The first night in a night in a new house.

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I opened the door and Madelyn waved as she got in a taxi that was going to take her back to my hometown.

As the taxi pulled away I waved a final time to my best friend and went back inside. I closed the door with a loud squeak. And cringed at the awful noise it made. I went into my room and leaped onto my newly assembled bed. Thank god I got the wifi hooked up before I got out here. I would've died without it.

After playing a few apps on my phone. I went into the bathroom to take a shower. With a slight squeak i turned the handle so the water would start pouring. After a few seconds on now water I heard a gurgling noise from inside the wall where the pipes were. And the a blast of water shot out from the faucet. It was very noisy and made a lot of spurting noises. I sighed. And took off my clothes and put them on the counter. I got in the shower and washed my hair. I was in the middle of washing the shampoo out when I heard my bathroom door close. I opened the shower curtain slightly and peeked out. Everything looked normal except the door

But I brushed it aside figuring it was just the wind. Once I was done I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my hair. I went to retrieve my clothes and found something odd. My bra was missing. I raised an eyebrow and looked down at the pile of clothes. I bent down and looked under the sink and behind the toilet the see if it had maybe fallen down during the shower but there was nothing. I determined I must've taken it off before I came into into the bathroom. I took my clothes in my hands and took the towel from my head and put it around my body.

I left the bathroom and looked on my bed but my bra was still nowhere to be found. I went into my closet and got out out a new outfit. I took my towel off and hear something that sounded like a click From outside. I didn't see anything though. I hurried to put my clothes on and I got into my bed and pulled the sheets up to my neck. I thought it was probably just a rabbit stepping on a stick. I got up and went over to the window and closed the curtains because they were open the slightest bit.

I went back to my bed and quickly fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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