Chapter 6 Improvised

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The next morning when Lenalee woke up, she had no idea what the GOD had in store for all of them that day. She and Lucy headed over to the guild with Kanda and Link. Lavi and Allen weren't in their house when they checked up on them. As they headed to the guild, they met up with Erza and Wendy by the cake shop.

"Ah! Lenalee-san! Lucy-san! Kanda-kun and Link-kun! Good morning!" Wendy said as soon as she and Erza saw them.

"Good morning Wendy-chan! Erza-san!" Lenalee said cheerfully as she and Lucy joined the two inside the shop. Link and Kanda stayed outside waiting for the girls.

"Are you guys heading to the guild now? I saw Lavi-san and Allen-kun there already eating some breakfast. They said something about wanting to take on a mission today. Are you guys going to take a mission to test out your magic?" Wendy asked as they paid for their pastries.

"Yeah. We talked about it as we had walked back to our houses last night, and we were planning on taking on a job at the nearby theater! The job application said we only need to act as guard for the higher class or something, so it shouldn't be too hard to handle."

"Hmm. That does seem to be a relatively easy job. Don't you think you should take on a job where you can actually fight with your magic?" Erza asked as she carried 10 boxes of her cake in her arms.

"Allen said he doesn't want to take on any jobs where we have to fight other mages and people, and Lavi said that we barely know anything about the creatures in this world that we would have to tag along with someone from the guild so that we don't run into anything deadly. Kanda here isn't willing to work with ANYONE and we don't want to have a death in our hands just after three days here." Lenalee said with a giggle as Kanda scowled at everything.

"What's with Kanda? Did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" Erza asked as they took their leave to the guild.

"Yeah... Some people are just like that you know. Always in a bad mood when there are people around. That's just makes Kanda... Kanda!"

"Tch. Let's just get going." Kanda said as he swiftly walked ahead of the group. Link sighed as he followed behind the swordsman. The girls smiled and followed closely behind the two boys.

At the guild, Lavi and Allen were discussing something as Allen ate his food. Kanda took a seat as far away from the two at the table as he got a bowl of soba. Unfortunately for him, Lavi decided to scoot his way over to his side with a 'Yuu-chan~!'. He threatened him with his sword before he backed down. When they all got some food and sat down, they started their conversation on what they were going to do today.

"So are we staying with the guard mission?" Lavi asked as he took a sip on his coffee.

"That's what I'm hoping for... Kanda? Link? Lenalee? Are you okay with it?" Allen asked as he swallowed his food. Kanda glance up from his soba and shrugged while Link merely stayed silent. Lenalee shook her head as she smiled at Allen.

"I wouldn't mind doing a mission where we just have to guard some people. I would rather want to use my magic for protecting for a while before using it for fights." She said as she picked at her breakfast. Allen smiled brightly and nodded excitedly before returning to his food. Lavi, having heard the entire exchange, stood up and walked over to the message board to get the mission in mind. He brought it over to Mira who smiled brightly and approved it. Lavi walked back to the group with a big grin and looking proudly of himself.

"Well we just accepted the job, so when should we get going?" He asked as he sat back down.

"We should leave after we packed everything up. The job is in the nearby town isn't it?" Lenalee asked as she finished her plate of food.

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