Chapter 15 Circus Caravan

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That afternoon, the group hung out at the guild planning what they would do during their missions. Kanda and Tyki had decided that leaving as soon as possible would be best, so they were going to take the train that night. Lavi turned his head to the smiling Kanda.

"You don't like the fact that you're smiling, right? Wouldn't you want to stay hidden from everyone for as long as possible?" The redhead asked looking up at the samurai. The samurai glanced down at him in deep thought.

"I would kill everything there before the potion effect ends. I'm pretty sure I would be bored to death if I did try to stay."

"Hmm... Well after you finish killing off the monsters, what would you do after coming back?"

"Stay in my house and meditate."

"You're a pretty dull person, Yuu-chan."

Lenalee managed to pull Lavi away from the samurai just in time for Mugen to graze by Lavi's nose. Lavi giggled as Kanda stood up.

"I'm leaving. I'll leave him behind if he isn't at the train station by 8." Was the last thing Kanda said as he left the guild hall, the murderous atmosphere leaving with him. Lenalee sighed as she (he) placed Lavi down.

"You shouldn't insult Kanda like that. He could seriously hurt you if he really felt like it." She scolded the little boy. Lavi pouted before hopping off the bench and went over to Erza and Mira who were talking with each other.

"Hey, Mira and Erza. What's that?" He asked as he noticed a small messenger bag on the bar.

"This is for you when you head out for your mission tomorrow. Since you probably won't be allowed to fight much, we thought you would be able to have some medical supplies. We also put some other items for you like a flashlight, some snacks, and some books. The books were from Levy. She said you would probably like to read them. We were discussing what else to put in." Erza said as she lifted Lavi up onto the bar. Lavi peered into the small bag. He wondered just how so many items could fit in, but he came to a conclusion that it was magical.

"Oh! Make sure you pack a lot of food! We don't want Allen to steal all the food from the caravan group!"

"Of course. We packed plenty of food for Allen in his bag right there." Mira said pointing to a slightly larger bag. Allen appeared by his side out of nowhere after hearing his name.

"I heard my name and food in the same sentence, so I came here." He said with a frown. Lavi saw drool going down the side of his mouth, so he assumed the boy was actually excited.

"This is for your trip, Allen. Don't go eating it all in one day, got it?" Mira said as she patted said bag. Allen nodded before turning to Lavi.

"Road said she was ready to take you and Lena shopping."



Link woke up the next morning and got himself ready for their job. He went over to Allen's house and woke the two up. Lavi whined as he buried himself under his accumulated blankets and pillows. Allen got up with a scowl, but after he came back from the bathroom, he had a gigantic smile on. Lavi sluggishly got up and got ready for the day.

They met Lenalee and Road at the train station and together they got onto the train. Lavi nodded off after half an hour and he ended up leaning on Link who ignored the child in favor for the job details from Allen.

"There are a total of 8 caravans. Two of them are for equipment, four are for animals, and the last two are for the people. It doesn't state how many people there are in total, but I'm going to assume there's at least more than 10." Allen said switching from normal to sad in the midst of his explanation.

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