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"NO GET OFF ME I DON'T WANNA PLEASE CAMILA" I cried being pushed into the wall of the bus.

"BE QUIET!" She slaps me making me cry out. I pushed on her chest as I felt her hand slide in my pants. Tears fell down my face as she held my arms above my head.

The girls all went out for dinner leaving me and Camila alone. They invited us and before I could even answer Camila beat me to it.

"TAKE YOUR FUCKING PANTS OFF!" I let out sob "Camila please" she lift up her making me flinch "ok ok" I slowly unbutton my jeans and unzipping the zipper.

I kicked them off as Camila took her shirt off. Mines were already off along with my bra so I was basically naked.

Camila grabbed me by my neck pulling me to her and giving me a sloppy kiss. She laid me down on the couch rubbing me through the fabric of my underwear.

I could feel myself getting wet but I wasn't even turned on. "Camila please" I sob out "shut up Y/n...I promise you'll enjoy every second of this" she says in my ear before pulling my underwear off.


"Guys we're finally at the hotel" I heard Lauren say which was waking everyone up "Y/n come on," Lauren says tapping my shoulder, moved it away not wanting to be touched. Not wanting to be looked at. Not wanting to be around anyone.

I feel so disgusted I want to take a shower and scrub my body, I wanted to scrub the places Camila touched me at. Just remembering what she made me do to her makes me want to vomit.

"Y/n are you ok" I didn't speak I just stared at the wall, which had three small pictures of Me and Camila. I wanted to pull them off and set them on fire.

"I got her she's probably sleeping" I heard Dinah say. I felt my body being pulled out the bunk "Don't touch me!" I yelled feeling tears build up in my eyes.

"Y/n what's wrong?" I heard Lauren "I just want to be left alone"

"You want me to get Camila?" I shook my head covering my face with my hand not wanting to cry.

I'm in pain the last thing I want to see is Camila. "Let me talk to her" I heard Ally say.

The girls walked away as I tried to get back into the bunk ally grabbed my arm.

I snatched it away from her "what's wrong?" She asks I shook my head tears started to fall out my eyes. "Is it something Camila did?" I looked away from her as a sob case out my mouth.

"What did she do y/n?" I shook my head making her sigh "I can't help if you don't tell me"

I huff "I don't need your help I'm fine just having a bad day" she nods "well let's get to the hotel...You, Lauren and Camila, are sharing a room"


I put my knees to my chest watching good luck Charlie on T.V. It was 3 in the morning and I couldn't sleep. Camila was beside me snoring and Lauren was in the bathroom doing whatever she's been in there for a while for like 20 minutes.

I looked down at my arm to see a bruise which was forming. I also have a bruise on my neck and on my stomach from earlier. I don't know how I'm going to hide them.

Lauren asked about it a couple of hours ago, I told her it was an allergic reaction but I don't think she believes me.

She asked what caused it and I kind of panic and walked away from her so I know she'll be asking again.

A tear fell out my eyes. I didn't want to be around Camila. I don't want to be in this room, but I'm afraid to move she can wake up and beat me.

Just because we share a room with someone doesn't Exactly mean I'm safe, she did things to me when all the girls were the room but they never noticed.

It was more like digging her nails into my skin until I start to bleed or pinching the back of my neck, just small things that could hurt you.

Camila may seem small but she stronger then you think.

I grab my phone and text Kendall

Are you up~Y

Yeah how's your hand?~K

It's fine I can't wait for this stupid cast to come off~Y

I went on my social media to see I had a message I went to it.

Cynthia hikes: why are you still in that relationship with her she's going to hurt you (3/2/16)

Cynthia hikes: I use to date Camila she's crazy so get out of the relationship (3/5/16)

Cynthia hikes: Ik she's hurting you, I can see those fucking bruises in your videos (3/8/16)

"Why are you still up?" I look up to see Lauren "I can't sleep"

"You ok...Ally told me that you freaked out on the bus" I nod my head "who's Cynthia hikes?"

She stops what she's doing and turns to me "um that's Camila ex-girlfriend nothing to worry about.., she was really sweet but then she got on drugs and started spreading rumors about Camila"

"What kind of rumors?"

"That Camila use to beat her something like that...it was stupid nobody believed her though, I mean look at Camila she wouldn't hurt a fly"

If only she knew.....

Our little secret (CamilaΔYou) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now