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"Really?" Her eyes widen in shock before she took the opportunity in pressing her lips to mine.

At first, I hesitated but then locked lips with her.

After all that had happened in my life Dinah has always been there for me. She helped me out her of that toxic relationship with Camila.

Me and her both know that if she wasn't there to pull me away I would've run into Camila's arms.

I learned to accept that I don't need Camila anymore, I need someone who's going to respect me for me, who's going to make me feel like the world, who's going to make me happy. And Dinah is the one who is going to do that.

Her tongue eased into my mouth fighting with mine as she pulled me closer to her. Her hands were placed on my hips not once have they moved.

I'm not going to say I'm over Camila because I'm not. Camila still has a big place in my heart and even though she made me feel like shit, I knew she still loved me the same way I did.

I'm not like other people. I tend to forgive easily and I forgive Camila and I'm willing to forget everything that happened.

Dinah bit down on my bottom lip pulling away. My heart was beating fast as we stared into each other's eyes.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course" she smiles bringing me into a kiss.

Dinah makes me feel safe, she makes me feel things that I never felt before

Sorry this is short I'm too excited to write I'm in Florida WOOOOO

Our little secret (CamilaΔYou) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now