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Merlin froze. It must have been a dream. This couldn't be real. Arthur should be flipping tables and beating Merlin till he's blue, and ranting on about lies and deciet. But instead he was standing there, huggin Merlin, telling him that he was sorry.

"What?" Merlin said. He was wide eyed.

"I'm sorry for what I put you through. I did not know Balinor was your father. If I had known, I would not have killed him. No matter what my father told me to do. I feel so horrible." Arthur choked out. Merlin wrapped his arms around Arthur.

"I am alright now. It was long ago. I do not hold any grudges." Merlin said. Arthur squeezed him harder, then let go.

"So that means you must have inherited his powers." Arthur said. Sort of asking and stating the fact.

Merlin did not answer. He didn't want to. He thought that telling him his father was bad enough, and to full out confess his powers. He could not do it.

"I know how druid births go. It only takes one druid parent to have a druid child. Mix a dragonlord in there, and you have someone very powerful." Arthur said.

"The druids told me that I was not forged by a single birth. That I was created by magic itself. Every single druid channeled their magic towards the son of Balinor, and pretty much created me. I am considered magic itself. That I embody the esence of magic. Everytime a born sorcerer dies, I fell a little part of me die inside. And if a mass of druids are killed, I can hear their screams echo in my head. But I could not help them. My sole purpose is to protect you. Not to be a painter or a blacksmith. Just a servant of the future King of Camelot." Merlin told Arthur. Might as well let Arthur know what he's in for was Merlin's philosphy. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but he trusted Arthur not to kill him.

Arthur didn't say anything for a moment. Merlin looked up at him, and noticed he wore a smile.

"Seeing as though I am not dead yet, I'd say you are doing an excellent job at protecting me." Arthur said. Merlin looked at him dumbfounded. He spilled his guts onto Arthur, and he was smiling.

"So am I going to be exiled? Killed? Defriended?" Merlin asked, not really wanting an answer.

"I will say none of the above. You will stay my servant, alive, and my friend. My best friend. But we will have more conversations about this in the future. There is much that you need to cover for me. But I feel like being under the same ceiling as many potential assassins makes story time not as important." Arthur laughed jokingly. Merlin smiled in relief. He sat back down on the bed, and unwrapped his bandage. It was pretty much healed except for a large scab that would eventually fade away into a scar. But he didn't have to hide it from Arthur.

Arthur sat back down, and poked the wound.

"So a quick spell and your good to go?" Arthur asked. Merlin nodded.

"Small cuts heal quickly on their own because my magic is instinctive. But stab wounds need more help. Plus I was pretty sure he impaled my stomach lining." Merlin chuckled. Arthur laughed with him.

"Is it possible for you to die? I heard the rumor around Balinor that he could not die of old age." Arthur asked. Merlin nodded.

"It is true. If I wanted to die, I would have to be injured fatally. But if I was healthy my entire life, I would never die." Merlin said. Arthur nodded in agreement. They talked about miscellaneous stuff for a little longer. Gaius came back with an empty basket.

"Everyone is in bed resting with stomachs full of stress relievers. It looks like they will stay the night, then leave." Gaius told them.

"Do you need help with anything Gaius? I am quite alright now." Merlin said. He held onto his wound as he stood up, and he was finally free to walk around. The wound only made the area sore, but not too much.

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