Chapter 26

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Zane's P.O.V

We get into a pizza place and we all decide to order a few slices of pepperoni pizza, I hold Caleb's paw as I sit beside him, we got a booth seat next to a window, I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

"You better not be planning on falling asleep, cutie" Caleb says to me.

"I'm not, I'm not, calm down you big dork" I say to him, laughing a bit.

"Hey! I'm not a dork" he says to me.

"Yes you are~" I say to him smiling.

He grunts and sighs, I giggle a bit and nuzzle him, I stop holding his paw and let my paw rest on his crotch.

"Hun, can you save touching, umm there for when we're at home, please?" Caleb asks me.

"Okay, okay fine, you dork." I say to him, with a smirk on my face.

Ava laughs a bit and smiles, "Yo where's that pizza at?" She asks getting annoyed a bit.

"Just give them a bit of time Ava, they're probably cooking it as we speak" I tell her.

"Okay, okay Zane" she sighs out.

I nuzzle Caleb a bit more and then sit up straight, "So Caleb, now that we're engaged, when do you want to get married?" I ask him curiously.

"Hmm well obviously after school, when you're 18, which you're birthday is in a month so we don't need to worry about that." He pauses.

"Maybe in the fall we can have a outdoorsy wedding Hun, you know, when it's warm enough but the leafs are changing colour" he says to me.

"Okay babe, but how are we going to pay for it?" I ask him.

"I talked it over with my parents, let's just say it's their wedding gift to us and my birthday present." He tells me.

"Wow you've had your proposal planned for that long?" I ask him curiously.

"Yeah Hun, I have" he smiles and kisses me for a few short seconds then breaks it.

I go and nuzzle him again, smiling as I do, "Oh jeez you're the sweetest guy in existence" I tell Caleb while nuzzling him.

"Oh, why thank you, cutie" he says while smiling at me.

"You're welcome Hun~" I rest my head on his shoulder.

Soon the a waiter brings our pizzas to us and we all grab our pieces, a bit after that the waiter comes with our drinks.

"Finally! God I've been waiting for my freaking pizza! Ugh!" Ava says and instantly goes and eats her slices.

She's goes and wolves down her most over her pizza slices as Caleb and I are only on our first one.

"Jesus Christ Ava it's been like forty five minutes and you're already on your third slice! Calm down" Caleb says to Ava.

"Oh shut up, pizza is love, pizza is life, don't judge me for who I am." She replies to Caleb, I snicker a bit.

"I pray to the pizza gods every night, pizza delivery boys are the pizza gods Angels, I will one day start a pizza religion, me of course the leader" Ava tells us and I crack up more, Caleb just sits there face pawing and sighing.

"Why oh why am I friends with you Ava?" Caleb asks her.

"Because I'm special!" She says in a proud tone.

"Oh, you're special alright" Caleb replies to her.

"Oh shut your dick sucking mouth hole" she says to Caleb and I start to laugh, oh god she's funny.

He grunts, sighs, and goes back to eating his pizza, Ava smiles at him and continues to eat more of hers, I go and take a sip from my pop.

After a while we all just sit in the booth, done everything, we're all on our phones, I sigh as I get bored, I set my phone on the table and look out the window, I see a lion walk by, he looks a lot like Justin, he looks at me then gives me a smile... Justin.

I stand up, "uh Caleb can you move real quick, I need to use the washroom" I tell him, lying.

"Oh uh sure Zane" he says and get up and out of my way, I wait for him to sit down and I walk out the front door, I see Justin walking down the side walk so I decide to follow him.

I continue to walk down it when I see him turn into a alleyway, pfft does he think I'm stupid? Im not going to fall for that.

I walk to where the turn is and I peek in, I suppose it couldn't hurt to take a quick look down, maybe he's going to my house again, I don't want him to hurt my mom.

I turn into the alleyway and look around, as I continue to look around the alleyway I hear footsteps, not from me, they're... Heavier.

I turn around to see Justin, in front of me with a sinister grin on his face, I'm too shocked to move, he puts a paw around my neck and pushes me up against the wall.

"Hmmm how's that boyfriend of yours doing Zane? After i you know, shot him." He says, laughing a bit.

"Justin, what are you doing here?!" I manage to say.

"Oh you know, strolling around town, watching you, seeing how my boyfriend is doing" he says and kisses my neck softly.

"S-stop!" I say as I try and push him away.

"Don't tell me what to do, whore, you're mine." He says to me, tightening his grip around my neck.

"Please! Stop!" I yell out, he looks around and growls.

"Tell anyone I'm here and I'll kill your boyfriend, in front of you" he says to me as he lets go on me, he walks out of the alleyway like nothing happened.

God damn psychopath I walk the other way back to the pizza place, I rub my neck on the way there, making sure it feels fine.

I walk in and head to our table, "Caleb, Ava, let's go home now." I say to them.

Here's another chapter guys! Wow I need to stop procrastinating, but never mind that, you guys should check out dis guys deviant art page and like follow him on there. •3•  welp, bye!

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