Chapter 13- Can't I get one normal day?

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Shippuden Fillers-

Because years of this crap in the original series just wasn't enough.



I slowly start to open my eyes , groaning.

'Kurama was right , I would need the rest.' I think , closing my eyes gently , wanting to sleep more.

'Get the hell up , kit!'

'Well good...whatever it is right now , to you too.'

'It's morning you've slept for , 13 hours.'  I sharply open my eyes and look around for a clock. I see one and it reads , 7:19 .

' I don't think I've ever slept that much.' I think amazed.

'And , kit? You might want to turn around...'

'...I have a tail don't I?'

'...just turn around.' I look behind me to see multiple tails coming out of my lower back.

'1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...KURAMA!' I scream. (Pic above)

'....kit?'  He asks sounding frightened.

"Why the hell do I have NINE TAILS?!" I scream at him , entering my mindscape glaring at the cowering form of a fox.

"You might've pulled out lots of excessive chakra..."

"You mean I pulled more than necessary?" I ask lowering my head.

"I'm impressed you managed it actually , it's really hard to do that!" He says probably trying to cheer me up.

"That does NOT cheer me up , Kurama!" I glare at him.

" I can show you a jutsu that can hide 8 of the tails..." He says still looking like he shit himself.

"...what?" I say surprised my killer intent vanishing , which I hadn't noticed was there in the first place.

"The jutsu is called , Demon Style : Kakusu-Teru. To release the jutsu you need to say , Demon Style : Kaiho-Teru." He calms down a little.

"Any hand signs?" He shakes his head in denial. " I'm guessing a release of chakra?" He nods.

" Maybe around the amount a experienced genin has."  I nod , exiting my mindscape.I look around the room to see it's a different one then before ('s on the bed).

" Demon Style : Kakusu-Teru ." I whisper releasing a bit of my chakra , eight of the tails disappear leaving me with one tail. I hear someone fall and rush up to the room. The door opens and I see Sasuke rush in. He stares at me , then looks at my tail.

"Huh , you did get a tail." He says deadpanning.

"Actually I got nine , but I scared Kurama so much he gave me a jutsu to hide eight of em." Sasuke stares at me.

"How did you manage to scare a tailed beast?" He asks looking bewildered , I shrug in response.

"He probably gave me some of his killer intent , with the merge. Or maybe he just didn't want to mess with a nine tailed kitsune?" I say asking myself the last sentence.

"Well everyone's worried about you."

"Really?" I raise my brow.

"Well you have been out cold for like 13 hours." He says probably expecting I would freak out.

"Well let's go see them then...but could you maybe  just reverse summon me? But in an hour though I need a shower." I take out one of my scrolls and open it revealing many tiny scrolls , medium scrolls , and a few big ones. I grab the biggest one and hand it to Sasuke." Use this one." I seal most of the others back in and look at Sasuke who is staring wide eyed.

"How the hell do you have so many scrolls?" He asks trying not to yell in surprise.

"I picked them up from around the Elemental Nations. I was wandering for 6 years , after all." And also , could you maybe not tell anyone about the tails? Just tell them about the one?" He nods and turns to leave.

"By the way your in my house , the guest room to be precise. There's ramen somewhere in the cabinets in the downstairs kitchen." He walks out and I wait and hear the door close. I lay back on the bed and groan in discontempt.

"Why me Kami , why me?" I look at the clock and seeing it reads 7:30 I go into the bathroom and take a shower .

Coming out I open one of my scrolls I left out earlier , and change into my clothes. (Like pic above except he has a fox mask on his right hip , and a katana on his left. Of course he also only has one tail right now , and his whisker marks are a bit bolder , also having his eyes be a bit slitted. He also has red highlights on the bottom tips of his hair.) I reach to one of my other scrolls and from it I take out a snowflake necklace , and put it on next to Tsunade's necklace. ( )

I look at the clock to see it reads 8:00 . I put my scrolls away , into one small scroll which I put into my pocket , and go out of the room towards where I can see the stairs. I walk downstairs and search the cupboards for ramen. Finding it I put it in the microwave waiting for three minutes , then taking it out and eating it. I sigh in happiness and feel something moving on my head. I put down my ramen bowl and walk towards the mirror near the door. I look to see a pair of long , orange ears on my head.

'.........well shit.'

'Yeah , I might have forgot to mention that......' I hear Kurama's voice echo in response.

'Can't I get one normal day?'

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