Chapter 29- You ruined the moment.

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Things Orochimaru and Voldemort have in common:
Both were taken in and raised by greatly respected individuals.
Both became leaders of a group that declared war on their home country.
Both use snakes.
Both sought immortality.
Both were chasing after boys half their age.

I Don't Own Naruto!

---Naruto's P.O.V---

I groan as I gently open my eyes. I quickly shut them , wincing at the bright light , before slowly opening them again. I look around to see white.

'White walls , check. Yuki laying on my chest , check. Bright light , check. Yep , I'm in a hospital.'

I look down to see Yuki quietly sleeping on my chest. I smile softly at her and raise my free hand to stroke her hair. I hear her mumbling something so I listen in.

"Naruto-kun..." She murmers , resulting in me smiling once again. I gently lift her head as her eyes slowly flutter open. I look at her and she drowsily looks back. We stare at each other for a while before her eyes grow wide and she gasps.

"Morning." I say cheekily.

"You cheeky little!" She growls before jumping up to me kissing me straight on the lips , and I kiss her back. She starts to cry a bit and I use my now free hands to wipe away her tears.

"Come on , don't cry." I say in a soothing tone , and she breaks the kiss looking at me in worry.

"How can I not cry when you've been asleep for 5 days!?" She yells shocking me.

"Five? Wow must've had a nice nap." I say grinning stupidly.

"Shut up." She says kissing me once more. I kiss back , but take my eyes off her and hit the nurse nurse button next to the ECG (A/N It's the heart monitor thingy) .

After a few minutes footsteps can be heard coming towards the door and three people come in. I look to the door to see Tsunade , Sakura and Shizune opening the doors. They look at me and Yuki , who somehow managed to lay down next to me so she could cuddle. And I am currently sitting up staring at them.

"What's this about me being out of it for 5 days?" I ask raising my brow and suddenly Tsunade leaps towards me enveloping me in a hug. "Ow , ow , ow. crushing me here!" I say making her release me.

"Sorry , I was just worried." She replies sheepishly.

"It's fine." I say waving my hand. Tsunade sudddenly looks towards the other two and glares at them.

"Shizune! Sakura! What are you two standing there for! Go get everyone!" Tsunade yells at the staring Sakura and Shizune.

"Hai!" They reply running off. I sweat drop at them.

"Nice to be awake again." I mutter sarcastically.

Tsunade turns towards me and puts her hands over my abdomen , her hands glowing green. She nods to herself.

"You seem to be fine." She says.

"Your going to make me stay in this boring room for a few days aren't ya?" I say sighing heavily.

"Of course!" She says looking at me weirdly. I groan in response and flop back down on the bed.

"Ugh. I hate hospitals." I say feeling like banging my head on a wall.

"You always did. I guess some things never change." She says smiling slightly and we both sigh taking in the moment.

"FOR YOUTH!" I hear a distant voice yell , breaking the mood. I sweat drop and look at Tsunade who is also sweat dropping.

"I don't want to know do I?"I ask , and she shakes her head in response.

"Naruto!" I look towards the door , again , to see Sasuke.

"Hi." I say waving again going towards the more emo side of me.

"Damn it you bastard! Do you know how fucking worried I was?!" He yells growing a tick mark , and I sweat drop at him , before sitting up once more.

"The hell , how did you become a Tsunade?!" I yell at him and he twitches in response.

"Hey , I take offense to that!" Tsunade yells , hitting me gently on the head. And I begrudgedly rub my head.

"Naruto..." Yuki mumbles once again asleep. I look towards her before turning towards Tsunade.

"How long was she sitting by me?" I ask my voice taking a dangerous tone.

"The whole time..." Tsunade says gulping , looking terrified.

"Damn it Yuki. Anytime I get injured you always do this. Why can't you calmly sleep instead? Kami forbid." I grumble angrily. Sasuke shakes his head in amusement , and moves to sit down in one of the empty chairs.

"Naruto!" I look towards where Sasuke was standing before to see....everyone.

"Well. You weren't kidding when you said to get everyone." I say sweat dropping and looking towards Tsunade to see her doing the same.

'FINALLY! DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING WORRIED I WAS? I SWEAR TO KAMI I WILL-'  I cut him off and rub my head in pain.

"And it seems Kurama has gone into mother hen mode." I mutter growling under my breath.

"Mother hen mode?"  Kurenai asks confused yet slightly intrigued.

"He yells at me for putting myself in danger , and after an hour of yelling he stops. Either by Sokitne bashing his head in or by me bashing his head in." I say resulting in multiple sweat drops , from everyone but Jiraiya.

"Which do you think it will be this time kid?" Jiraiya asks resulting in me gaining a thoughtful look.

"Both." I say nodding my head in confirmation. Everyone's sweat drops become larger.

"I'm glad you didn't get yourself killed." Gaara says walking into the room.

"Shut up." I playfully.

"No." I stare at him and he stares back.




We look at each other once more before smiling and chuckling at each other. (Pic Up Top For Gaara's Smile)

"Well , we're glad your okay , and finally awake." Sakura says shyly looking down. I look at Sakura my face showing signs of sadness.

"...hey Sakura?" I ask nervously. Sakura looks up hopefully.

"...Yes?" She asks equally nervous.

"Sorry I yelled at you that time... I was kinda pissed. But I shouldn't have taken it out on you." I  say looking down , in shame.

'She probably won't forgive me , but at least she knows.'

'Kit! Listen to me dammit! I-'

"I forgive you." She says making me look up wide eyed. I look at her for a single trace of lies but see none. I smile brightly at her before looking towards Jiraiya who is sniffling.

"So sweet! Dammit!" He says magically bringing out a tissue. I sweat drop.

"Nice one , Jiraiya . You ruined the moment."


I hope you enjoyed this chappy! This might be the last one! I say might , because I'm not sure if I'll have an epilogue. But if I do put one in , I'll try not to fail miserably. I hope you all approve of my book , even though I think it's till not very good! Ja ne!


P.S. I might also go through the whole book again doing some revisions. Or maybe add a chapter or two. I'll put up an A/N when I decide to stop.

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