Oh Alexander

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Alana Reese was your average bright, friendly girl with her whole future planned out, but even the brightest fall some times. Alana wasn't expecting to lose her virginity as a one night stand, and she wasn't expecting to be knocked up with his baby. She thought that he would be smart enough to at least wrap it up! But she was wrong. Oh, Alexander, if only you did. Then you wouldn't have to be bothered by Alana or the fact that you have a child in high school. But, darling, it's time to grow up and grow up fast. This is your wake up call


I felt as alone as ever, too afraid to turn to Alexander in fear of him rejecting me and the baby. I was trying to spend as much time away from my overly angered parents. Yes, I'm seventeen and pregnant. No, I did not mean for this to happen. We used a condom, how could this have happened? Did he poke a hole in it? Did he plan to get me pregnant? I shook my head to clear my jumbled thoughts. Oh, Alexander, I'm so scared! I walked to my locker and switched out my books, staring down at my swollen belly I felt the sudden urge to sob.

A slam against a locker beside me brought me out of my thoughts. "Alana, what the hell! Why haven't you called or texted me? If you didn't want to date me than you should have just said so! And whose kid are you having anyway?" I stared at his angry, contorted face.

"M-my parents took my phone away." Was all I could really manage to say at the time. I was too shocked that he had even noticed I was pregnant, I really thought he gave on me.

"I guess that makes sense. But you didn't answer me. Whose kid is it, Alana?" He asked again, staring intensely into my eyes. I bit my lip nervously. I had to come up with something and fast! I shyly stared into his eyes and barely managed to say it was mine. His eyes hardened and his scowl deepened, "Alana, quit fucking around! Whose. Baby. Is. It?"

I dropped my eyes to the ground and chewed my lip, "I-i'ts yours, Alexander." I could feel tears starting to fall from my eyes, I couldn't bring myself to look at him. But when I did his face was full on shock.

"That's impossible! I remember wearing a condom!"

"Well either it was broken, you didn't actually put one on, or you or someone else poked a damn hole in it!" I could feel my hormonal rage bubbling inside me. "But, you know what? Just- just go fuck yourself! You knocked me up and you aren't even trying to a man about it! What the hell am I suppose to do!? My phone got taken away and you started ignoring me!" I could feel hot tears streaming down my face, "Do you even know how much that hurt?"

End of teaser! I hope you enjoy my story, lovlies! (:

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