Chapter 15: As Time Goes On

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It been so long since I've forced myself to move on from Alexander. My enormous cut has finally healed, I was close to my due date and Fletcher has been a huge help, even staying the night a few times a week. Ben went to stay with our grandma and our dad still hasn't warmed up to Fletcher though, which didn't matter since he went MIA shortly after the trial. A 'road trip' of sorts. The way I see it, it's better that my baby has some kind of father than no father. But everyday, every single day, I ache for my Alexander. The way we would snuggle up on my couch and watch Disney princess movies or super actiony man movies, going to the local diner on Wednesdays, him bringing me juice before my first class, even if it made him late for his. I especially missed the small things, just being able to hear his voice. His mom said he'd be able to have visitors soon, but I knew by the time he'd be able to have visitors I'd be pushing out our baby. That's how close together his visitations and the due date were. I hate to admit it, but I'm scared. He kept me strong.

"Alana?" Fletcher asked in a soft voice, kissing my shoulder affectionately. "You're crying again."

"Oh." I wiped my eyes. "Sorry."

He pulled me close and brushed my hair away from my face, kissing my forehead. "I know you're scared, Alana, and I know I'm not him, but I'm here for you. You and your baby. I know it's not my place, but I want to help."

"Fletcher, I get that you're trying to help, but I just-I feel so alone right now. Alex was the only thing keeping me from giving up because I knew he'd keep us safe and now he's gone." I tried to keep my voice steady but I was failing so epically at it, "And I don't mean to put you out like that, but it's not the same. I do appreciate you though."

He pulled me close and kissed me softly, "I'm not trying to replace him or anything, if that's what you're trying to get at."

"It's not" I sighed shakily, "I don't know what I'm trying to say. Maybe, just maybe, I want someone who makes me feel safe. Someone like you." I looked up at him and frowned, "But I'm still not ready to let go of Alex."

"I understand, but I'm still here. I won't let anyone hurt you." He said before kissing my temple. I cuddled up to him and tried to relax. It would be hard, but maybe I could get through this.

When I woke up, Fletcher was still there with his arms around me. I nudged him softly, "Hey, wake up. I gotta go."

"Go? Go where?" He asked in a husky, tired voice.

"I have a doctors appointment. Remember? You said you'd take me?" I yawned out and stretch. My due date was getting close, this appointment was to see if I started to dilate. I was terrified and excited. I decided that since Fletcher was going to help raise my little girl that I may as well give her his last name. That's when I felt it. A sharp pain and a gush of liquid between my legs. "Fuck." I hissed out.

Fletcher sat up, immediately alert. "What's wrong?" He rushed.

"My water just freaking broke!" I squeaked. I fumbled for my phone, sending a quick text to Cassie, and called my dad. It rang a few times before going to voicemail. "Hey, daddy, it's me. My water just broke and I'm about to head to the hospital. Just wanted to see if you were going to come, but oh well," I didn't hide the disappointment from my voice, "I guess I'll see you whenever. Love you, bye." I hung up immediately and held my phone in my hand. My dad had been gone for a month. Some last-minute-mid-life-crisis road trip. I haven't been able to contact him since. I sighed and called my doctor. Someone almost immediately picked up.

"Falcon OB/GYN Center, Angela speaking, how may I help you?" The woman spoke in a practiced voice.

"Hi, Angela, this is Alana Reese. I had an appointment with Dr. Morgan today, is there anyway she could meet us at the hospital? My water just broke." I replied in and evenly polite voice.

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