Chapter 9. My Darling

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Alexander and I have been spending more time together, he love the ultrasound picture of the baby almost as much as he loved seeing my stomach grow. I love how he hasn't left my side. Even after he got yelled at by my father. Things were officially looking up. I was happy again. Something I haven't felt since I slapped Alexander's sister. Yet, right now, all that mattered was right now. Me and Alexander cuddling on my bed listening to Imagine Dragons and talking about everything we missed about each other. I even got a new phone!

"Wanna know what I missed the most, baby?" He said in an adorable and hot drowsy voice, his fingers tracing my belly. I muttered a 'what' and kissed his forehead. "I missed you telling me that you love me for who am I, who I was. I promise, I won't leave you. I wouldn't abandon you when you're having my kid."

I smiled softly at him. "I love how you are about this. I was so scared that you wouldn't accept the baby as yours and ignore me forever, or that you would force me to abort it." I frowned slightly before smiling again, "But that's not what happened and I'm glad."

"Yeah, I'm glad too."


"Yeah?" He mummers in response.

"I'm not sorry for slapping your sister. What she did... it was none of her business." I breathed out, my voice hardly audible.

"It's fine. At the time I just didn't think she would do that to someone as innocent as you." He sighed, "Hey, why are you crying?"

I wiped my eyes. "Sorry. Hormones are getting a little out of hand lately. I'm just happy that your back with me and that you want the baby. I sound like a freaking broken record. How many times have I told you that I'm glad you're back and want the baby?"

"Like, ten." He chuckled softly, "When's the next appointment?"

"Not till next week, why?" I looked at him from the corner of my eye. He was smiling a little and his eyes were closed. He looked amazing.

"I want to go with you." His words shocked me.

"Y-you actually want to come with me?" My eyes were probably wide as saucers and full of shock.

"Sure. It's my kid too, Lana. I want to see it. Will we get to know what the gender is?" He looked at me with an adorable look in his eye. I could just kiss him!

I smiled at him and thanked my lucky stars for bringing him to me. "You're the best, Alex, the absolute best! But I'm not sure, she didn't say."

For awhile after that we didn't say much, he just traced patterns on my belly and hummed softly. It was just what I needed. I finally forgot all the heart ache I went through while Alexander was away. I missed everything about him. His eyes, his voice, anything that was apart of him. Mainly, I missed how I felt about him. Everytime I was around him I felt this tingling sensation in my heart. It never got old, it was perfect. He is perfect. Our baby is going to be perfect. As long as I think that, then everything will be okay. Then I realized something. Our baby doesn't have a name.

"Alex. What are we going to name it?" I asked.

"Well. If it's a girl, I think her name should be Alexis Marie. If it's a boy... How about Daniel James?" He looked awkward when he gave his suggestion for the boy name.

"I like them with your last name." I smiled and blushed, "I-if that's okay with you, Alexander."

"It's perfect, babe. No need to blush, even though it looks adorable." He winked at me and I started blushing more. "I'd love for our kid to have my last name, but if you change your mind then that's okay too. I don't mind as long as I get to be with you, Lana."

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