Chapter 2. The Party

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I woke up and stretched, groaning as sunlight entered my eyes. I pulled the blanket over my head to let my eyes slowly adjust to the light. Tonight I get to party and this is how I get woken up? The freaking sun!? Slowly edging the blanket down, I peeked. My eyes had finally adjusted to the brightness of the light. Rolling out of bed, I wrapped my pink and black robe around my tiny body. Today's the day! I cheerfully thought to myself. Maybe it'll be the day I meet a cute guy who'll want to be my boyfriend!

Breakfast was already done when I entered the small kitchen. I piled bacon, sausage, and cheese grits onto my plate and poured myself some orange juice. I sat beside my father and started to eat. "Hungry, Lana?"

"Always!" I said with a smile. This was the downside to having a high metabolism. Always being hungry. The upside is getting to stay skinny as fuck! I continued to eat, biting into the delectable sausage. I dipped it into the grits, my favorite way of eating it. It's not everyday I get to eat my favorites! "Did you already eat, Daddy?"

"Yes. I know to eat before you get up!" He playfully teased. I giggled and stuffed my face. He had a look of mock disgust on his face. "Honestly, Alana! How on Earth can you eat so much and not gain a single pound?"

"My doctor said I have a fast metabolism. She said that I should expect to be hungry quite often. What time do I need to be home tonight, Daddy?" I asked, changing the topic off of my lack of weight gain and overeating habit. It was a very displeasing conversation that I didn't want to have today. Honestly, who starts their morning with that type of conversation?

After I finished my breakfast, I prepared for tonight. I knew it was going to be a long, fun filled night! I took a nice, long, hot bath. Ashley did my hair, though. It was scary that she was actually doing something nice for me for once. It's not everyday we see this side of her anymore. It's fells scary and good to see this side of her. When she was done, I smiled at her, "Thanks, Ashley!" I smiled before I went back to my room.

I did a soft but edgy look for my eyes. I went down and got something to eat. Curse this metabolism of mine! It sucks to always be hungry. After I finished my little treat I went back up my room and changed into my party outfit. I started to fidget and shake with anticipation. My first actual party! That's all I could remember, it being so exciting that I got to party.

I heard a car horn sound. I ran down the stairs, yelling my goodbyes to my parents before racing out to Cassie's car. "So! Where's the party at?" I asked as soon as I buckled my seat belt. Cassie's chestnut hair had been teased and curled, instead of a soft looking Cass, she looked hard and edgy. Like a bad girl.

"Alexander's house." She had an evil smirk on her face, her green eyes glittering with mischief. I felt my jaw drop.

"Alexander? As in Alexander Connolly?" I asked and she nodded, "Oh my gosh! I hope my dad doesn't find out I was at a criminals house!"

"Calm down, Lana, it's technically his sister Christine's party, so technically you won't be at a criminals house. Yet, at the same time, you are." She said, the smirk deepening. I gulped, I didn't want to be anywhere near that guy! But, he was oh so sexy!

The party was beyond amazing! It was more than I could ever dream of! People were scattered everywhere, drinking and having the time of their lives. Christine, Alexander's twin sister, had thrown an amazing party! She had laser and strobe lights put up, and there was a DJ that was rocking out in her own world, no one really cared that minors were getting drunk. Cassie made her way beside me and pushed a cup of clear liquid, which I later found out was vodka, I gave her a puzzled look, but she just smiled and yelled over the music, "Drink up, Lana! Tonight we have fun."

Carefully sipping the liquid, I found that it burned my throat as I swallowed, and it made me feel lighter than ever. I returned Cassie's smile and took more sips, well, the sips were more like greedy gulps. Cassie drug me to the dance floor and we started dancing and grinding on each other. Soon after that, we attracted quite a bit of male attention. Especially attention from Alexander. I felt my heart race with excitement. I didn't know why I suddenly wanted his attention, I just did!

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