⇾ backstage

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     9:47 AM, Saturday, March 4, 2017
BEEP BEEP. It was a bright morning in Los Angeles. You didn't want to get out of bed, you were warm and comfortable. Toned arms around you, your head in your boyfriend's chest, and legs tangled together. Still tired for the night before from going to a party that Dillon, one of Martin's threw, considering you got to the hotel probably at 3 in the morning. Without a care you snuggled even more into Martin's neck, drowning out the noise from outside. BEEP BEEP. "Ugh, i don't want to get up" Martin groans. He turns to grab his phone to turn off the alarm. Y/N does it matter if we just stay in bed all day?" He asks. "I'm fine with that" you laugh. Pulling the sheets over himself, he pulls you closer and kisses your forehead. "I'm nervous." he mumbles. "For what?" you ask. "The show, tonight at the Staples Center." "You shouldn't be, you done thousands of shows around the world" "Maybe, it's because you are going to be there" "Martin, you will be fine, i don't understand what's the matter" "I want to impress you" "You don't need to impress me for me to like you, I'm already in love with you, the one who's perfect" "I'm lucky" "yeah I know, I'm perfect also." "Hahaha, exactly I why I'm in love with you." You peck his lips and get up opening up the curtains. "But I'm hungry" "Okay okay, I'll get up." Martin walks towards you and kisses you. "That's enough lover boy, we have a busy day ahead of us" you say. "Woot woot" Martin laughs. Both you start to get ready, and head off to breakfast. After what seemed like an hour of stuffing your bodies with pancakes and bacon, Martin wants to explore Los Angeles. You looked at your phone, it was 5:12 pm, the show started in about 3 hours. You guys left the beach to head back to the hotel. "5:57, I'm guessing I should leave now, I need to do a sound check and last minute preparations" he lays down beside you to kiss you once again. "Okay, I'll see you there Garrix." you smile at him. "See ya later loser" he smirks back leaving the hotel. Falling into the bed you take a little nap. 6:32 pm. You get out of the bed and walk to the bathroom to get ready. Turning on Spotify, and listening to your playlists. While singing every song, you managed you put your makeup on. "Wow. I have talent." you say looking in the mirror. Sliding on a pair of skinny jeans, a crop top, and your maroon vans, you look at your phone. New Message from 'dj with the booty': I'm waiting for you😘, you smile at your phone putting it in your bag. Making sure that you grabbed your room key, you head out the door. Once you get in the lobby, you met up with Louis. "Hey Louis, you ready to go?" you ask "Yes, I have been waiting for an hour." he comments"Shut up, I don't take that long!" "Well some take longer than others". Louis leads you to the front of the hotel. "I requested an Uber, and it should be here any minute"he says sounding proud. "wow impressive" you sarcastically joke. You and Louis always joke around with each other. Finally a grey car pulls up, and we get in. Louis tells the guy where to go. 'New Message from 'dj with the booty': HURRY! YOU GUYS TAKE FOREVER. you laughed looking at your phone. "Do you guys want to listen to the radio" the driver asks. "No I-" "Yes, please" you cut Louis off. "Rude much?" Louis jokingly mumbles. "What you don't need to listen." you say. Looking on your snapchat you watch Martin's story. It's videos of him dancing and eating. 'What a cutie' you think. Looking up from your phone you hear a familiar tune on the radio. You and Louis stare at each other realizing it's 'Scared To Be Lonely'. You practically screamed, because it's the first time the song is on the radio. Sing all the verses, you start to annoy Louis and the driver. You take a video of yourself and Louis singing it and send it to Martin. Ding. New Message from 'dj with the booty': THAT IS SO FUCKING AMAZING! You reply back saying: 'YAY! IM SO PROUD OF YOU BABY😘' Finally you pull up to the venue. Walking to the back of the building you go through the door. Grabbing your badge out of your bag your put it over your neck. Up ahead you see two men standing at two doors. "Hello we have exclusive entries" Louis says to them. They lead to a door. Opening it, you see everyone from the team. Everyone walks up to hug you and Louis. After greeting everyone you see Martin ready to go on to the stage. You walk back to Louis, as he starts to set up his camera. "Damn, there is A LOT of people here" You say. "Yep, its always like this," replies Louis. The lights start to dim in, as a beat is starting to be played. You soon recognize what it was, the show was starting. Slowing walking towards the stage you see a happy Martin. You stand there admiring this beautiful little human that you're lucky enough to be in love with. He looks down at Louis, who is taking pictures of him. He looks at him and realize you're standing there watching him. He looks at you smiling. You smile back. Jumping around on the stage, he stares at you every minute. All the lights on the stage and the crowd start going crazy. After playing a couple songs, a piano sound start to play, its In The Name of Love. The crowd cheers. Martin looks down at his equipment, then grabs the microphone. "Los Angeles, this song is dedicated to my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N, she makes me happy that word can't even describe how much I love her," he smiles, looking at you. The crowd sings all the verses to In The Name of Love. The rest of the entire show was beyond amazing. "Thank You, California!" he yells in microphone running off the stage. He runs towards you to picks up to kissing you. "I love you" you whisper in his ear. "I love you more" he winks.


sorry, this one was a little longer, again school is stressful and tiring when you have thousands of essays due. but anyways, ULTRA WAS AMAZING!!! I SAT ALONE ON MY LAPTOP WATCHING IT! Who is your favorite musician?          --Noa <3

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