JH- A childs trust

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Don't get me wrong here, I've connected to my college psychology class so much because of this but I wouldn't wish this on anybody. If you give birth to a child, it has a trust bond with you not too long after its born. It depends on you for food, loves, support, somebody to console in, and advice. When you break that trust you can cause PTSD, anxiety, and depression.
Mom always had a real bad temper when she was yelling, always thought I was never listening I just didn't understand why she'd get so mad sometimes. She came up to me sitting on the edge of my bed for talking back and pulled my hair down on one side of my head, and slapped my face 2 or 3 times.I, of course, kicked her in the stomach I didn't know what to do, it hurt. She had never done anything like that before. This is only 1/3 of what ruined my relationship with my parents, the additional 2/3 was what finalized it. My dad came home around 3 in the morning, woke me up and called me to the living room, mom had told me "wait till your dad gets home," so of course I was scared. Dad had been a little bit nicer since he got happy pills for his PTSD, so maybe he would understand mom was being unreasonable? It didn't work like that, he only called me in the living room to slap me some more and ask "How I liked it," damn right I have PTSD from this night. I never wanted to come out of my room again.
Flash forward to the age of 18, dad took away my car keys cause I was never home anymore, told me to "find my own fucking ride to work." I moved out an hour lately followed by being told how shitty of a daughter I was, that I never contributed anything to the house, I was ungrateful. I found out on a status my father later made that I was nothing but trouble, had drugs in the house;  even though I didn't I've caught my mom going through my backpack before; and that I had apparently punched my mom that night they both slapped me. I was heart broken that my dad had chosen moms side over mine, isn't this supposed to only happen with step mothers? I have immense trust issues to this day, and still wonder how a man could see his little girl grow from a baby to adult  and break her heart and make her out to be a liar.

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