Take Care

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Ame’s POV

Dinner was awkward. Really awkward. Let me stress the word awkward. Because it really was… awkward. And I was the only feeling it. I don’t know what Teppei was thinking or feeling but the only thing I know, is that whenever we locked our eyes, my heart seems to beat faster than usual. And unfortunately, I can’t avoid his gaze because we’re just sitting across each other. Damn it.

“Ame-ne, you’re not touching your food” Kyo spoke up when I was just staring at the dish placed in front of me.

“I’m… not hungry” was my reason and glanced at her. She raised an eyebrow. “Why? Did you eat junk foods before dinner again?!” Kyo’s voice rose when she assumed that. Well you can’t blame Kyo. I do that a lot. Eating junk food or sweets before dinner. And that’s when I lose my appetite. But now… I didn’t even eat, yet…

“She already had dessert Kyo” Tetsuya spoke up making my head shot at him. D-Dessert?! I gave him a super annoyed glare which he didn’t mind and glanced at Teppei. “Kiyoshi-senpai, are you not hungry too?” THAT’S IT! I’m going to squeeze his head until it bursts!

My hand collided with the table as I stood up. I didn’t even realize everyone was staring at me. Well, I look stupid. “I’m going to bed” I announce to escape the stare Kyo, Tetsuya and Teppei was giving me. Each had different expressions. But I just ignored it and locked myself in my room and hide myself under the covers. What the hell just happened today? Damn it… I’ll just sleep…


“Ame-ne wake up!”


“C’mon it’s another training day~”

Why do you sound cheerful today, Kyo?”

“We get to be with the team and Kiyoshi-senpai~”

We’re always with them every day…

“And also, I get to share what Kuroko-kun told me yesterday~”

Kuroko… Tetsuya told you yesterday? WAIT WHAT—“KYO!” I sat up from my bed to be greeted by a playful smile from her.

“What is it?” she smiled at me, while taking my blanket and folding it. Dang it’s cold. “You should wash up and go get breakfast” Her smile made me uncomfortable. What did Tetsuya tell her yesterday?

“Hey Kyo—” I was about to ask her about what Tetsuya told her but she already slammed the door loudly, leaving me startled here. Is she mad that I didn’t tell her?

.           .           .

“You’re up early than usual” Kagetora said as soon as he saw me walk in the gym.

“Kyo” I said hinting to the reason of my early rise from my beloved bed-kun. I miss him already. No one can deny our love for each other. Kagetora chuckled and stared at the court.

“It’s true that you’re a mixture of Yoite and Toshi” he said out of nowhere and glanced at me. “Your dad always had that look whenever your mother wakes him up whenever we have to train in the International Tournament” Really? I think I remember him mentioning it once to me.

“I’ve heard” I replied and looked at the court. “How did those two ended up getting married anyway? It’s useless since they have to divorce anyway”

“Well some unexpected things are bound to happen. And some good things just disappear only to bring bad things. And vice versa” I raised an eyebrow at his statement. “How can bad things bring good things back?” I questioned. That’s just stupid.

Turn My Cold Heart To Iron (Kuroko No Basuke-Teppei Kiyoshi Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now