Chapter 1: He kissed me, i slapped him and it all started from there.

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Heya all! Look I am here with the chapter one but yeah remeber that this story need all of your support, not only the story but I also want your support guys :)

Chapter 1:
"This is just the start Tess." -Aiden Parker #HTB

Tessa's POV:

I closed my book and sighed, resting my head on the chair. I felt like someone was staring at me so I looked at my right and guess what? I was right! Musa and Serena my besties we giving me weird looks. I furrowed my eyebrows and simply shot them a questioning look.

"Aiden is countinously staring at you Tess." Musa said in a whisper and I looked at her but didn't looked at Aiden. Serena nodded agreeing with Musa and I started to read English again. I really didn't want to talk about him right now cause I knew that he was looking at me.

Yes, we were having an English class and sir Thomas was one of the creepiest sir a person could imagine. He never spared anyone whether the person was a good student or bad, if someone was talking in his class then the person was gone for sure and as for me, I want to be in his good books like always. Serena started to say somthing but I shushed her.

"You!" And we all looked at sir Thomas who was pointing towards me. I gulped and started to stand up.

"Not you! Behind you!" He gestured me to sit and a boy got up from behind. I looked at him and in all this I glanced at Aiden who was staring at me. Eh, what happened to him? I immediately turned to the front.

"OUT!" Sir Thomas shouted and everyone shivered in fear. The boy didn't said anything and went out of the class which meant that he was really talking. I looked at sir Thomas and he again got busy reading the books which were present on his desk.

The bell rang after sometime and we all headed towards the door. Musa and Serena were with me so they begin to give me weird looks again. I was tolerating all the weirds looks from them but at the end I began to irritate.

"What?!" I snapped at them and they both looked at eachother.

"Is something going on between you two?" Serena asked and I looked at her, frowned.

"Excuse me?" I asked in high tone. I mean come on, is she gone crazy? No? Then why a silly question when she knows how much I hate that one night stand person!

"No, I mean he was countinously--"

"He is behaving like this from days ok." I ended the discussion. Yep, he was. I didn't know what's with him these days but he stared at me whenever I looked at him. I thought he was not interested in me but the looks were making me uncomfortable. I was getting annoyed with the situation so I walked away sighing in frustration.

One look from this Aiden made me crazy!

I walked out of the building and the cold air hit my neck sending shivers down to my spine. A slight smiled appeared on my face and I closed my eyes, enjoying the fresh cool breeze. A smell of strong Cologne hit my nostrils and I inhaled deeply. My eyes snapped open when I realized whose cologne was this.


He was walking towards me with no expression and I paralyzed at my place. I wanted to walk away but my feet were doing the opposite. He came closer and closer and whispered something. "Watch the way." And walked past me. What?
I rolled my eyes and a mae my way down the stairs.

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