Chapter 6: Aiden is a hoe, xoxo the fashion week is on the row.

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Chapter 6:
"I wanna go so bad cause Stacey did a lot for me but I am scared." -Tessa Norman #HTB

Tessa's POV:

"Hello Lisa!" Serena jumped on my mom and took her into a bone crushing hug right after she entered in the house. Rufus licked her feet and Serena giggled.

"It's so nice to see you Serena! Wait? Have you eat something?" Serena innocently shook her head.

"Tessa didn't let me have breakfast." My jaw fell on the floor. Liar! Big liar. She ate cornflakes in the morning when we left her house. I was about to say something when mom spoke up.

"She is just like that. Don't mind her Rena. I'll make fresh pancakes for you both." Mum gave me a look before disappearing in the kitchen and I elbowed Serena who glared at me but the smiled cheekily.

"Not everyone gets a chance to eat her pancakes." We both laughed as I nodded. Whatever man Atleast I also would eat pancakes. Mom and Serena's bond was very strong that sometimes I thought that Serena was her daughter not me. And same was with me and her mom. Aunt Clara always treated me nicely than Serena cause in her option, I was more well mannered. It's a lie I know.

Serena sat on her knees and played with Rufus. "He likes you so DAMM much." I threw Serena's bag on the sofa and she gave me a duhh look.

"He loves me you dumb."

"RUFF!" We book looked at the happy Rufus who just nuzzled into her more and laughed.

"Everyone forgot me." I sat Infront of them and made a sad face while Rufus just stared me for like three seconds before jumping on me, licking my face.

"You are a total bitch Tess." Serena crossed her arms and pouted. "I was having so much fun with him."

I laughed hard and tickled Rufus. "He's all your man and he also loves you." I pointed out and Serena smiled while Rufus again jumped on her. These two.

"TESSA, SERENA. go and get fresh you two. The pancakes are almost ready!" Mom shouted from the kitchen and Serena made her way on the stairs with Rufus following her.

"Who will take your bag to the room?" I asked pointing at her bad and she turned.

"Obviously you." I threw a cushion at her which hit Rufus Instead. He barked and Serena patted him before throwing daggers on me.

"Sorry Rufus! And," I looked at Serena. "in your dreams." With that I ran inside the kitchen which was now became a restaurant.

"Smells so nice mom!" I inhaled as my mouth watered. I looked down at the plate full of pancakes and decided to take one but mom slapped my hand before I could even touch them. "Ouch!" I rubbed my hand as she gave a look from the corner if an eye.

"Go and get fresh first." She said and I leaned against the counter.


I huffed and tapped my feet on the floor. What is with Aiden's mom now? Why was he angry on me for meeting her?

"Tessa?" I looked at her and hummed. "Is something wrong?"

"Did you find out meeting with Haley creepy?" Mom was surprised.

"Not at all. Why's that?" She kept the pan in the sink and washed her hands.

"I don't know it's- you know-"

"Tessa, what happened dear? Did someone said something?" Mom could tell anything. I shook my head and smiled.

"Nop. Just asking randomly." She nodded.

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