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"Whoa Ace! Don't you think its lot of beer for a night?" Carter said snatching the 5th can of beer from my hand. "Who cares? I feel like the queen of the world" Carter and I am having our wild crazy weekend party with each other. We were sitting beside the pool having a bunch of beer bottles spread all over the area.

I tried to stand up on my own. 'Splash' that's all I heard as I fell into the pool. "Great going Amy. Way to show off in front of Carter" I muttered under my breath. As the pool was not so deep for me I was lucky enough not to drown. But I was drenched in water.

I felt a hand around my waist and picked me up bridal style and holding me close to his chest. I knew who my life saver was. But being the drunkard I was "Ohhh My Carter Carty Cart!! My dream boy" I said giggling and wrapping my arms around his neck for my safety even though I trust he wouldn't let me fall. I heard a chuckle leave Carter's mouth. "You are lucky if you don't catch a cold tomorrow"


We got inside the house. Actually we were in his room. He laid me on the bed and I closed my eyes and kept snuggling into him holding his hand. I kept shivering. Looks like Carter noticed it "Ace baby? Get up! Change your cloths your shivering and you will catch a fever if you don't change your cloths" he said with concern in his voice. "Oh Cart! Why don't you ever take a risk in your life" I said with a smirk on my face. "I can take a risk and the only one who is a scaredy here is you" He said with his sexy smirk plastered to his face. I got up from bed and leaned closer to him and whispered in his ears "Prove it" with my challenging drunkard smirk. He got up from bed crossing his arms and standing in front of me.

 "Alright. What do you want me to do?” I didn't think and just sat there with my smirk and said "Change my clothes" (WTH? Why did I say that) "You sure about that Ace?" he said with concern on his face. "I made the task so easy for you and gave you my permission. Wait a minute... Is my Carty being a scaredy cat?" I said with a fake baby pout on my face. "Oh Carty isn't the one who is a scaredy cat here. He just wanted to make sure Ace baby isn't a little kitten" he said with his smirk back on.

 "Then what are you waiting for? Do it" I said standing up from the bed and moving closer to him. As I was taking steps towards him, he was taking steps backward until he was pinned to the wall "Wait. Let me take some clothes for you then I will strip you baby" Man the sexy Carter smirk is back.

He walked to his dresser, took a blue shorts and his favorite black t-shirt which he never allows anyone to touch. He placed them on the bed. He crossed his arms and said "Stop the drunkard act and change your clothes". He is always so caring when it comes to my insecurities. "I rest my case. This is what I said you can never take risk in your life babe" I said walking closer to him. As I took steps closer and I was not even inches away from him. I can feel his hot breath hitting my face. He fell on to bed with me on top of him. I laid there with my head on his chest. I could feel it raising up and down. I looked at him, bit my lips "strip me babe" I said with a smirk on my face. Carter pushed me from top of him and I stood from bed. "Ace I am not going to change your clothes" Carter said this time his tone was serious.

 "Why not?" I whined and looked into his brown magical eyes "I want you to do it" We both kept looking into each other’s eyes. I felt my eyes getting heavy and difficult to keep open and I felt my legs getting weaker. I felt to go to sleep. I closed my eyes and fell into Carter's arms. Thank God! He caught me. "Ace! I am really sorry. I have to do it. I don't want to see you sick. I hope you will not stab me in my throat in the morning" he took me bridal style and laid me on his bed.


The bright sunlight hit my face I opened my eyes. My head was pounding really hard. I felt my stomach churn. "Oh God! I shouldn't have taken all those beers last night" I thought I mumbled to myself but I heard Carter saying "you think". I felt something coming up from my stomach. I got up from the bed, covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom. I threw up my last night's crazy fun into the closet. I coughed and threw up a lot. I felt Carter rubbing circles on my back and caught my hair so it wouldn't come front when I throw up. I got up and washed my face and looked myself in the mirror. Man! I looked horrible.  Wait...I wasn't in Carter's favorite T-shirt last night. Neither did I change into it. Carter stood behind me and I looked at him through the mirror.

 "Ace. You okay?" Carter said with concern in his voice. "Oh yeah I am fine. My head hurts a little that's it" I said trying to walk out. I felt dizzy and I was about to fall. But Carter caught me in his arms. He took me and walked out of the bathroom. He laid me on the bed. He was about to walk out of the room. But I caught his wrist before he could leave. He sat beside me on the bed.

 "Carter did we do anything last night?" I said tears forming in my eyes. Carter didn't say anything. He looked down playing with his fingers. I got more worried "Carter. Did we do anything last night" I began to cry harder. He looked at me as he heard my voice getting huskier. He wiped my tears, cupped my face "No Ace we didn't do anything that we would regret". He said but I still wasn't convinced "Then why I am in your t-shirt?" I asked sniffing. He said me everything that happened last night. I sighed in relief, hugged him tight but I still kept crying into his chest.

 "Shhh.... Baby stop crying. Don't worry. We wouldn't do anything until we both are ready" I looked into his brown eyes that made me smile "I love you Carter". He leaned up to me kissed my tears and said "I love you too Ace and I will always love you". We kept looking into each other’s eyes. We both leaned closer to each other. Until our lips met. We kissed each other in sync. It was my first kiss with Carter.

THE END..........

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