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Ace's POV
I woke up to the light snores flowing to my ears. As I woke up I felt a hand wrapped around my waist. I turned to my side and smiled looking at him. I leaned up to Carter and kissed his lips softly.

For my surprise he kissed me back. I smiled in to the kiss and tugged on his hair. He gripped my waist tighter and pulled me closer to him. I smirked and pulled back while he ended up pouting.

"Good morning" I said running my hand through his hair and smiling at him. "Good morning baby" he said and wrapped his arms around me more tightly making me feel safe. I love this feeling. I wish I will wake up every morning wrapped in his arms as long as I live.

Carter's POV
I wrapped my arms tighter around her wishing she would be staying like this in my arms forever until the world ends.

But she pulled back getting up. "Baby, wake up its 8:00 already" She said shaking my shoulders. "Five more minutes princess. No one is up yet" I said yawning and trying to pull her back.

"No I got to go, get some fresh air and walk in the woods" She said stretching while I kept staring at her. I am so lucky to have her. I smiled at my thought.

She got up poking me and then went out of the tent.  I closed my eyes and was about to drift off to a peaceful slumber when I heard a squeal of panic from the most familiar voice that I will recognize anywhere.

I woke up and ran out of the tent worried. I got out and yelled her name as loud as possible but no reply. I walked through the woods like a mad man calling her name.

"Ace" I yelled and suddenly I stepped on something. I looked down and saw the one thing she always had on her. The charm bracelet I gave her. I took it and put it my pocket. Then I began to look for her in the woods.


Ace's POV
I woke up on a wooden floor. My head is pounding as I tried to get up. My hand are tied by ropes which are pretty painful. My legs are tied too. 'Man seriously? Can’t these people tie me with a scarf if they are going to keep me kidnapped' I thought to myself.

I tried looking around the room isn't very dark but everything feel blurry. My head still hurts so I didn't put so much effort into trying.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. So every girls would panic but I being me wanted to kick this persons butt for tying me up with ropes. I am so ready to yell at him and annoy him to death. The door flew open and my jaw dropped seeing who it was.

"Hey babe. I am glad you are up" he said walking towards me. “Don’t babe me you butthead and let me out” I yelled at him. “If I wanted to let you go would I go through this much risk in the first place?” He said the obvious.

“Why the hell did you kidnap me?” I asked. “You know I just want to have some fun” He smirked and took a step closer while I moved back. “I am not going to hurt you if you if you listen to me Amy bear” He whispered and it filled my inside with disgust. “Josh never ever call me that again” I said quietly. “Sh… is someone being scared?” He whispered getting closer to me.

I turned I turned my head to the side and closed my eyes shut. "I am not scared of you" I whispered as his breath hit my face. 'Carter where are you baby?' I thought to myself.


Carter's POV

It’s been two nights since my Ace has been missing. Every one of us has been in search of her. The police were here and they are looking for her too. Josh is missing from the same day as Ace has been and if that prick has something to do with it. He is going to get his ass kicked.

I sat outside leaning my back on a tree and looking up at the sky. Two sleepless nights without Ace feels like a life time. I miss her so much. I hate the thought of her getting hurt. I know she is strong and she will kick that prick's butt. I smile at the thought of Ace. I holds her bracelet tight in my hands and holds it close to my chest. "I miss you baby" I said a tear rolling down my cheeks.

I felt arm wrapped around me. "She is going to be fine burro" Divine cooed into my ears. I leaned my head on her shoulders and looked up at the sky.

"Yeah buddy our Amy is strong and I bet she have already began to annoy that idiot to death" Max said nudging my shoulder. I smiled at how supporting my friends are but it's not the same without Ace. I pulled them both into a hug and cried into their arms even though that's not the manly thing to do.

To be continued......

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