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“Great party man” A guy said and high fived Carter. “Thanks dude. Glad you could make it” Carter said to that guy. Carter is having a beach party and almost the whole school is here in the beach.

“Hey Ace. Having fun?” Carter asked walking closer to me. “Yeah Carty it’s an awesome party. Glad everyone could make it in such a short notice” I said smiling at him.

He pulled me close to his chest by grabbing me by my waist “By the way you look gorgeous tonight” He whispered in my ears which sent chills down my spine. “You look sexy yourself macho man” I said winking at him and trying to get away from his grip around my waist.

“Don’t I always look sexy?” Carter smirked taking a sip from his glass of root beer. “Sure you do” I said patting his chest and walking away from him. When I began to walk away I heard girls squealing and giggling behind me.

I turned around some girls were around Carter. I tried getting close to them so I could hear what they were talking about. “Oh Carter. Its awesome totes cray cray party” “You look so good in those shorts "You have great abs" ugh girls were throwing themselves at Carter. Gross. Not like I care but still gross.

I saw Carter and the girls walking towards the bonfire. He began to talk to them while they were openly flirting with him. They were playing with his hair and he didn't even 'shoo' them away.

I didn't want to see it any longer. So I planned on going for a nice swim. It's going to be refreshing and a good distraction.

I walked to a place where there was no view of any people so I could be alone while I swim and I found a perfect beautiful place.'

I removed my flip flops and began to walk towards the water. "Ouch" I winced. Something pricked under my foot and it hurts very badly. I fell to the ground and tears began to run down my cheeks.

Carter's POV
I am surrounded by a bunch of annoying chicks playing my hair and stuffs. Ugh.

But my head and heart was stuck in the thought of one special girl. My Ace. I looked around for her from where I was sitting but there was no sign of her.

"Excuse me ladies" I said and walked from those girls. I feel so much free now.

I kept walking and looking for her. "Ren did you see Ace...I mean Amy somewhere?" I asked one of her friends. It felt weird to call her Amy than Ace. "No Carter. I haven't seen her for a while now" Ren said dancing and drinking her root beer.

I began to get worried. Where could she be? I began to walk away thanking her and telling her to enjoy the party.

I walked and walked to the end of the beach where there was no sign of anyone. I sighed and thought of walking back. Suddenly I heard a sound of someone crying. It felt like that person is in pain.

I began to walk closer to where the voice was coming from. As I got closer I began to panic because it sounds more like the one who I was searching for.

I reached closer and my thoughts were right. It was Ace sitting on the sand. But she was turning towards the other direction so only her back was visible to me.

"Ace" Carter yelled from my back and I got scared for a moment.

I tried wiping my tears. The more I tried, the more tears fell from my eyes.

He stood in front of me but I didn't look at him and kept looking down.

"Ace, why are you..." He gasped before completing his sentence.

He bent down quickly and moved his hand to see where it was bleeding.

"Don't touch me Carter" I spat and moved away. "Ace what happened? What did I do?" He asked with concern in his voice. "Nothing alright. Just forget about it" I stood up and tried to walk away. My feet hurts very bad but I am not going to let Carter near me. I began to walk back and I was sure that Carter was looking at me as I walk away.

It was getting harder for me to take steps. Suddenly a hand wrapped around me and picked me up bridal style.

"Carter put me down" I slapped his chest and made it hard for him to take me. But he wouldn't budge. "Carter I told you to put me down" I yelled more like whined.

"Shut up Ace" Carter yelled with frustration and I flinched at his sudden outburst. I didn't say another word and laid my head on his chest.

He sat me on a rock and he sat beside me. We both not saying a single word. The silence was beginning to get uncomfortable.

"Does it hurt?" Carter asked with a little on concern in his voice. "A little" I whispered slightly.

"Ace you are a bad liar" Carter said. "It's not like you care anyways" I said but regret washed over me after I said but I am not going to take it back.

"Ace what did you say?" He asked looking at me. I still didn't look at him and began to fiddle with my fingers. "Ace what did you just say?" Carter asked this time a little louder and harsher.

"I think you should leave me alone for a while Carter" I said shaking my head and closing my eyes. "Okay your behavior right now is really annoying. At least tell me what did I do?" Carter asked without taking his eyes off of me.

“If I am annoying just go back to those girls who were throwing themselves at you” I yelled looking at him. “Is that what this is all about?” Carter asked tilting his head. “I don’t wanna talk about it. Just leave” I said. “I am not going to leave and you are going to talk about it” He demanded.

“Okay. You wanna talk. Then let’s talk” I said crossing arms. “Yes it is what this is all about. You totally ignored me when those girls was around you. You didn’t even ask me where I was going. I yelled my heart out when tears were falling.

“Ace why are you so hyper about this?” They came to me. I didn’t go to them. I was about to come behind you but they blocked me. Even though those girl were around me” His voice lowered. He cupped my cheeks “I was thinking about a special girl. You. My eyes and mind were wandering looking for you”.

My heart began to beat faster when he said those words.

“I love you Ace. I don’t care about any other girls. No matter how many girls are around me, my heart beats for one special girl. You. You are everything to me. I love you so much Ace” He said looking into my eyes.

“I love you too Carter” That’s all that escaped from my mouth before I leaned up to him and hugged him with my head laying at the nape of his neck. “I love you Carty. You mean everything to me. I am so sorry” I said while tears fell from my eyes.

We both pulled apart. We looked into each other’s eyes. “I love you and never leave me scared like that okay?” He said keeping both of his hands on my shoulders. I just nodded and smiled at him.

“By the way you look pretty sexy when you are jealous” he smirked and winked at me. I slapped his chest playfully and giggled blushing.

I leaned up to him again and kissed his lips softly. “I love you” I said smiling at him. He picked me up bridal style and walked back


Carter POV

I am lying in bed at 3:00 am and I am completely awake. I can’t stop thinking about her. The pretty face, the beautiful smile and nothing. I wish I could call her and talk to her all day. I am in love with Ace. I sighed and tried to fall asleep while thinking about her.


I am awake in bed and thinking about him. I can’t sleep and I am heavy sleeper. Even my pink teddy is making me think about him. I love my Carter. The most amazing guy in the world. I wish I could talk to him all day.

THE END.................

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