Chapter 8

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I woke up thinking the night before was just a dream.

I reached in my pocket to feel around, the crippled flower was already falling apart.

I looked down to see a fresh flower covered in frost, wait could that mean?

I ran over to the cabin and peaked inside, Rosie and Gust laid by the fire place sleeping silently.

The fire must have gone out over night because ash covered over the wood and blew on the floor.

I shut the door as quiet as I could, just to be sure I didn't wake them.

I started a fire and snuck out to gather food, I when looking for sticks to cook the veggies on and gathered water.

I went down the a frozen pound and used heavy rocks to break the ice.

I used wooden bowls I made to carry the water and sat it by the food.

I figured they wouldn't like to sit in the snow anymore so I found a log and rolled it over to the fire.

I cooked the veggies and had my own share, then saved the rest for Rosie and Gust.

While waiting for them to wake I found their flashlight that they used when it was dark.

It was round and the end was larger, a smooth black box was near the base next to a button.

I read about explorers using flashlights but I'v never seen one myself, I wonder how they got it to work.

A yawn made my head turn, Rosie and Gust walked out and studied my display.

"Wow you made breakfast?" Rosie asked sitting down with Gust.

"Yeah well I have to eat somehow," I said handing them their food.

They took a bite and I waited for a response, they looked at me, "This is really good!" Gust exclaimed.

"Yeah where did you find this?" Rosie said taking another bite.

"Well," I said moving my foot around in the snow, "I kinda had to take it from the spring."

"Wait you stole this?" Gust said.
Nodding they slowly put their food down.

Wanting to change the subject. "I found your flashlight," I said.
"Thanks" Rosie said as I handed it to her.

"So how do you get if to work?" I asked.
"It's solar power, everything we use is solar, wind, or water power." Gust said.


"Oh we have to go!" Gust suddenly jumped up and knocked over the water.

"What?" I asked, they looked at each other and then me.

"He's right their going to be looking for us," Rosie said, "we have to get going."

"Oh" I said, I knew it wouldn't last forever but a part of me wanted them to stay.

We walked around to find their Shifters and there was a long silence as they stepped on them.

"So I guess we say goodbye," I said feeling down, I enjoyed it while it lasted.

"Wait," Rosie said, "why don't you come with us?"

"What?" I asked, "what do you mean?"

"She's right come with us, you showed us your world so let us show you ours," Gust said.

"Well I-

"Come on it'll be fun," Rosie pleaded.

I moved my feet around in the snow thinking, "I wouldn't hurt to just look around." I said.

They smiled and I grabbed my Shifter and we took off.

I felt anxious and scared, the voices came back to my head.

Freak Loser Unwanted

Hello my wonderful readers it's me! I'm not dead just lazy!
I'm sorry for being gone, more will be posted tomorrow (let's hope I get 3 more chapters done)
Stay awesome!

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