Chapter 11

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A scream made everyone stop what they were doing and look ahead of us.

A boy was laying on the ground holding his head and a boy and girl ran over to him.

We kept a good distance but walked close enough the hear what was happening.

A crowd started to form and soon all the people made my anxiety rise.

"Mark what's wrong?" the girl sat to his left said, "what's happing?!"

He let his hands go of his head and then let his head fall down, the girl picked it up and held it.

"Somebody call for help," she said, "go get Melanie!"

Somebody ran off and we stood still not knowing what too do.

The boy started breathing heavily and his eyes rolled back, he must have fainted.

He was pale when a girl probably 18 or 19 with blond hair made her way through the crowd.

She had something around her neck that she took off and put in her ears before putting the flat part on his chest.

She waited for a moment and took it off and back around her neck.

She put her hand on his forehead and then his wrist, "Oh dear I'v seen this before and it's not good," She said, "help me carry him to the center."

They went under his arms to hold him up and quickly walked him to a big white building.

It wasn't like the stores that were small, it was bigger and had two doors that they carried him through.

The crowd followed but was stopped by the boy who put his hand up and said, "Go on with your day he's going to need space."

He had light hair same as the girl, they both had soft hazel eyes and seemed to look alike.

"Thanks Melanie," he said to the girl wearing white and red clothing, "What's that?" I asked pointing to the thing they were sitting the boy on.

"A stretcher," Rosie said as they pushed him off into the building and into another room.

"Will he be okay?" I asked, Gust came to our side, "Let's hope so."

"Maybe we should go check on them, you know to be sure they don't need any help," Gust said going up to they building.

"Gust come on they said he needs space," Rosie shouted to him.

"Yeah but he told the crowd that plus I'm just going to check on him," he said, we followed him into the center.

The weekend is about to start so more is too come!!
Stay awesome.

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