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I do not own Beauxbatons Academy of Magic or the characters before mentioned in J. K. Rowling's AMAZING Harry Potter series.

The majority of the characters, the fine details about the Chateau and the houses, however, are mine. If you wish to use them please contact me before hand - thank you :)

Apart from that, I hope you fall in love with the Beauxbatons I have created and the characters that reside in it's halls as much as I have. I'm open to creative criticism, especially spelling mistakes, and love to hear back from you. Thank you! Enjoy! -Emm.

'Hello students, and welcome back to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, please be seated.' Madame Maxine stood proud and graceful despite her ungainly hight, she displayed the perfect picture of elegance. The student body sat down on the glass chairs placed in perfect rows in the gravel courtyard outside the beautiful Beauxbatons Chateau.
'You have spent at least four years at our lower schools already, so you know our etiquette by now. Moving into the upper school is a vital part of your education, here you will refine your magical abilities and learn about the cultures most applicable to you. Unlike the lower school you will be full time boarders now, that means no going home to your parents every night, or every weekend. I understand this can be a daunting thought, but we believe that you are ready to learn your own way into your individual lives now; we also believe the house system we use will support and help you in the most primal way towards your most ideal future. At fifteen we think it is the perfect time to teach you exactly what you need to know to both blend in with the variety of global societies, and to thrive within the magical community.' Madam Maxine outstretched her arms to her students warmly. 'Before I start the whole welcome, I believe it is time to sort our newest students, Monsieur Thomas?'

A man of about fifty walked forward with a warm glow on his face, he bowed low to Madam Maxine.

'Thank you, if you would like to come forward when I call your name then I will take your hand between mine and I will place you in your house. Hugo Gauthier?' Monsieur Thomas smiled kindly and held out his hand, a tall boy with flaming hair stepped forward from the front row of glass chairs lined perfectly on the gravel. His light blue cape was rolled twice at his wrists, clearly bought with growing room, and a tie the same colour as his cape fell from his neck down to his belly button. He extended his hand hesitantly into the grasp of the older man in front of him who took it between his own and closed his eyes.

Hugo looked confused as he stood before the entire population of the school with one of his hands firmly grasped between two of a man who was at least triple his age... who appeared to be inhaling him?

Softly, the man (who now seemed to be becoming a serious cause of embarrassment for the boy) opened his eyes. 'Nostradamus' he smiled as he let go of his hand, he waved his wand in front of Hugo's tie and it transfigured elegantly into a beautiful light grey. The boy looked down at the transformation, before finding the source of the cheering and clapping from the middle isle of chairs. He looked back at the man, who waved him towards his new house with a gentle hand.

The boy found his seat at the front of this new house, six rows were left entirely empty and were clearly intended for newly sorted premier years. He grinned at a girl with similar hair to him as he walked past her.

'Eva Deboise'

The list carried on, sorting roughly a third of the newest students into each house, a healthy influx of girls sat grinning in the Monet section - the house, on the whole, looked particularly girl heavy because of the flowing hair coming from most of its occupants. But there was a fair smattering of boys to punctuate the gender mix, the rich purple criss cross ties on the girls chests and classic ties on the boys casting perfect shadows to their delicate looking bodies.

An almost equal selection of male and female students sat on the second row of the Flamel house section, their dark navy neck wear causing a vibrant sea of blue; from the light blue shirts to the baby coloured capes to the dark around their necks. They all seemed to sit awfully upright in their chairs in comparison to the other two houses.

The third row of Nostradamus house was the most diverse to look at, two fiery haired red heads sat side by side; the same noes and eyes placed on their pale and freckled skin. The boy, Hugo, kept looking over to his sister with something on the tip of his tongue but deciding not to say it. The girl was sat completely oblivious, with one leg under her, fiddling with the laces on her spat shoes.

'Margot' Hugo finally decided to whisper, the girl next to him looked over 'is it just me, or is she abnormally... well... ah- large?' he asked through knitted brows. She scoffed and covered her mouth with the back of her hand before composing herself quickly. She looked from him to the woman with a clear message of 'don't make me laugh' radiating from her grinning eyes.

Next to her was a boy much taller than herself, with tanned skin and dark brown hair. He was trying desperately to listen to the speech being given by their headmistress but was being distracted by the constant fiddling of the occupant to his left.

A boy and a girl sat to his right were whispering under their breath to one another; the girl had wild frizzy curls sprouting around her head and down to her shoulders, she had all her hair pulled over to the side of her head the boy wasn't whispering into. He had ash blond cropped hair and was very skinny, the bottoms of his grey trousers lifted away from his ankle because of the way he was sitting. He had one leg crossed on top of the other in a relaxed and casual manner, one that Madame Maxine had not let go unnoticed. She drew her wand with ease in the middle of her sentence and flicked it in the direction of his leg, which stuck to the floor with intense force. The girl stared straight forwards immediately, not daring to fix the curl that fell into her face.

'Adrien' she whispered as quietly as she possibly could when Madame Maxine wandered over in front another house.

'Fanny' he raised his eyebrows jokingly. She jabbed him in the rib. He winced, and huffed 'Bella-Francesca' swinging his head in her direction for dramatic effect while tensing his jaw.

'You're a pleb' she rolled her eyes at him, smiling.

A small girl with silver hair craned her neck to try and see the head mistress, it was an achievement in itself not to be able to see Madame Maxine. A rumour had even been let slip in the tabloids over the summer that she was half giant, not that the girl had believed them at all - logically speaking there was no way she could be half giant, they were characteristically dumb and Madame Maxine was one of the smartest witches in living memory. It made no logistical sense.

The girl next to her conjured a pillow under her breath and passed it to the smaller girl.

'Thank you,' the blond girl smiled 'Avangeline Forder' she extended a hand to the witch next to her, who had mousy brown hair down to her waist.

The brunette smiled and took her hand gratefully 'Marie Bourjois'. She looked longingly over at Flamel house, where she crained her neck over to a group of girls who were all giggling under their breaths and pointing in the direction of her new house. She turned slowly back to the front, trying to sink into her seat and trying to avoid the boys to her right.

These boys where sat on the end of the row and they where hurriedly passing a ball between them, they were all clearly trying to look relaxed but the pace at which they were passing the object was steadily increasing - the boy in the middle was screwing his face up into an expression that looked almost gurn-like as he tried to suppress his laughter. Then, before they knew it, a loud farting sound came from their direction - the boy closest to the isle went bright red and hid the ball in the pocket in his cape. The congregation of students all looked at him almost in unison as the boy next to Marie chuckle-coughed 'Nice one Louis' high fiving the boy in the middle under their arms.

Madam Maxine looked pointedly at the boy, breathing in visibly, 'Are you quite finished, Louis?' she raised one eyebrow expectantly.

'Sorry, Madam Maxine' Louis rolled his lips in on themselves in an attempt to stop laughing.

'Good' she turned back to the main audience and carried on with her September address.

Seb (the boy in the middle) turned to his friends on either side of him 'corr, that one was a ripper' he grinned as Louis chucked the ball into his lap and the blond boy next to Marie tried not to laugh.

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