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Hugo woke to a hand tapping his arm, he jumped awake startled as soon as he remembered the night previous. He quickly sat up and rubbed his damp face to try and hide the fact he had been crying in his sleep. Leo stared awkwardly around the room as he did so before delivering the message he had been told to give "There's a guy, I think he's a teacher, in the common room - he says he needs to talk with you"

Hugo got up immediately and grabbed his shoes, trying to cram his feet inside as quickly as he could. The room was mainly full of sleeping bodies and Leo pulled Hugo's arm to catch his attention as quietly as he could "It's about Margot, isn't it - is she okay?"

Hugo shook his head "I don't know, she got ill again last night"

"...Can I come with you?" he asked quietly.

Hugo stopped in his tracks, half shocked, half touched by Leo's question. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea, Leo - but thanks."

"I don't have to listen to anything the Healer says, what her condition is is perfectly fine to stay private. But if you could use me for moral support or an extra pair of hands I'm here - I'm awake either way" he smiled kindly at the red head.

Hugo paused for a second, he needed someone - even if it was just to sit in silence with "Actually, Leo - could you..." he trailed off the end of his sentence.

Leo nodded and grabbed his cloak.

As the two of them exited the dormitory they saw the school healer sat on a chair immediately, he walked over quickly - noticing the tall boy next to Hugo he proceeded with caution "Ah, Hugo - could we speak in private?"

Leo said nothing and cast a Silencing charm on himself quickly, to which the Healer nodded and cast a silent one over Hugo and himself for good measure. "I'm not sure why, but Margot had a very rough time of it last night. When she turned - she could barely breath, she was so violent. I'm not sure if it's because it was her first transformation and she was panicking, or because of her size but-"

"She's allergic to dogs." Hugo whispered.

The healer stopped in his tracks. "She's allergic to dogs."

Hugo nodded twice, the healer pointed at Hugo "Are you?"

Hugo shook his head.

"Good. That might be why she lost all the weight... I've given her painless potion and dreamless sleep potion so she's out for the count at the moment. When we get to her I'll give you some wolvesbain, which she needs to take every day without fail. It won't stop the transformation but it will calm her which will hopefully allow me to clear her airways quicker than I could last night." The Healer looked over at Dan quickly "Does he know?"

"No. No one knows" Hugo replied quickly.

"Good, it must stay like that - the less people who know, the less likely it is she will get into any trouble over it. Everyone deserves an education, and to spend the rest of her life as a 'beast' not a 'being' must be unthinkable to her and you." The healer tapped Hugo's arm supportively "What are you going to tell everyone?"

Hugo shrugged "That she got sick again"

"Sick with what?"

Hugo struggled for a second "I don't know... flu?"

"Flu doesn't come and go every month and has lasting symptoms" the healer shook his head "I'd say stick as close to the truth as you can - say her immune system is down because of her being sick before and say that her allergy to dogs could kill her because of it so then it gives her an alibi on full moons - everyone thinks there's werewolves in the forests anyway."

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