Chapter 8

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Kitty's prov

Its Friday and Last week Gene hasn't talked to me or been in class he started to hang out with Sasha and Zenix again it pains me not to be around him he always makes me smile.......I'm hanging out with Katelyn and Kawii~Chan at the park "Aphmau~Sempi what's wrong? Kawii~Chan has noticed that Aphmau~Sempi had not been that happy lately" Kawii~Chan said concerned I stayed quiet "Aphmau~Sempi (did I spell that right?) did Gene~Kun do something to you" Kawii~Chan said I shook my head no "Kawii~Chan, Gene didn't do anything to Aphmau she told Gene that she couldn't be friends with him because then Zenix would show picture that Aphmau said it wasn't true and didn't mean anything" Katelyn said looking at Kawii~Chan. Kawii~Chan nodded "oh Aphmau~Sempi that awful....and my ship is not going to come true..." said Kawii~Chan whispering the last part "What was that last part Kawii~Chan?" I asked Kawii~Chan just shook her head so I just shrugged it off I didn't want to do anything that much then Katelyn smiled "I got an idea how about you have a sleepover Aphmau you can invite me and Kawii~Chan and more friends" I smiled "that would be a good idea but I'll have to ask my mom" I said hoping my mom would let me and besides maybe it will take my mind off of things........


Kawii~Chan and Katelyn left the park and I was by myself sitting on a bench waiting for mom to pick me up I was sitting there thinking about the sleepover I guess it would be fun I mean I haven't hung out with them in while....then I heard a honk of a horn I looked up to see mom i stood up and walked to the car and got in. While mom pulled out of the parkinglot I said "Mom can I have a sleepover?" "sure, but whose going to be there?" she asked "Katelyn, Kawii~Chan, and Lucinda" I said smiling my mom replied "yes you can" "What time tomorrow do you want them to come?" she asked

"How about 3:00pm" I said she nodded I then got out my phone and started texting them

Group chat: Aphmau, Kawii~Chan, Katelyn, and Lucinda


Aphmau: Hey Guys I'm having a sleepover tommorw at 3:00pm are you guys allowed to come?

Kawii~Chan: Kawii~Chan's Mother said she can come to Aphmau~Sempi's sleepover! Thanks Aphmau~Sempi!

Lucinda: my mom said I could

Katelyn: I'm in

Aphmau: Great can't wait!


End of group chat~

I looked up from my phone as I heard my mothers voice "so are they aloud to come?" I nodded "Gurl it's going to be the best sleepover ever" my mom said smiling I rolled my eyes and we pulled into the driveway I went up to my room and closed my door and went and walked to my window opening it "This is going to be great!" I said to myself as I looked out the window.....


I was playing my online games when my mom yelled "FOODS DONE" I paused my game and walked downstairs to the table and sat down. We were eating in silence just me and my mom at the table my Dad died of a car wreck a while back and it's just me and my mom (I just made that up). I put my plate in the sink "Mom I'm going out to the backyard" I said as I walked to the back door "okay" I heard her say I walked out closing the door behind me I go up to a tree that's in my backyard and lean against it.......i-is it really noticeable that I am sad? I know I am...but Gene.........I miss hanging out with him laughing and talking or just sitting on the grass in the park looking for cloud animals. I smiled remebering those time's.....I can't believe Zenix used me.......if I could only get that picture then problem solved-- well it's harder than that he's smarter than he looks....i-i don't think I can do this another week.......I then feel a raindrop fall on my head I look up to see the clouds dark and gloomy I sigh and go inside. I walk upstairs to my room and plop on my bed my eyes closing and darkness taking over me....


I wake up and take a shower and get dressed in a red shirt and white shorts with a red headband what am I going to do all day? Until my friends get here..... I could take a walk? I walk into the living room to see mom on the couch watching TV "Mom can I go take a walk?" I asked she nodded then said "be careful and no talking to boys" i nodded and walked out of the house. Its a sunny day no clouds to be seen a slight brezze I take a deep breath and walk down the sidewalk. I walked all the way to the park. I decided to walk over to the spot me and Gene hang out at. I sit down on the grass and put my hand in the water watching the ripples spead throughout the water I then hear voices I quickly run under the bridge I then hide behind a Bush I then see Sasha and Zenix come walking and sitting down on the grass Zenix said"I cant believe this" "Yeah Gene hasn't really talked in a while" Sasha said slightly worried "Its like he shut down I've talked to Dante and he said that he hasn't talked at all -like he would anyway he said he hasn't came out of his room" Zenix said looking Sasha in the eyes "do you think we were too hard on Kitty?" Sasha asked but then laughed at what she just said "why would you say that we did nothing wrong Kitty deserved that she didn't even do anything when she was hanging out with us when Gene forced her to do things so He wouldn't show the picture of her and garroth kissing" Zenix said and Sasha shugged "Yeah your right" she said I then felt my phone in my picket vibrate I pulled it out making sure they didn't see me "Aphmau come home" the text from my mother said I texted back "all right coming" I then turn off my phone and slowly and quietly made my way back on the sidewalk walking torward my house is what they said true about Gene? That he isn't talking? They could be lieing they could have known I was there I sighed and walked home.........

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