Chapter XIII

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chapter 13....



please don't send me any death threats when you finish reading this chapter.

chapter 13...

Nico's POV

     "Well if it isn't the fag." Annabeth said bitterly

    "Fags." Percy corrected.

     Annabeth noticed me for the first time and gasped, her face full of surprise. "Wow." She said.

     "You got a problem with that?" Percy snapped.

     Annabeth flinched back, but then straightened up. "Yeah, because there's a fag blocking my way."

     I gently tugged on Percy's shirt. "Percy. Sit. Down." I said quietly.

     "Yeah, listen to your little emo, weak boyfriend." She snapped.

     Percy got up in her face. "Don't talk about my boyfriend like that when you are out there, drinking your ass off, making out with every guy you meet!" Percy yelled.

     Annabeth put her hand on her hip. "Excuse me?!?" She squeaked.

     A formally dressed man, who I assumed was the manager, gently placed his hand on Percy's shoulder. "Um, sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." He said.

     Percy glared at Annabeth and snatched his coat that was hanging on his chair. "C'mon, Nico." He said while his jaw clenched.

     I followed Percy out of the restaurant, with all eyes on us. It was quite a dramatic exit, like a movie. We ended up taking a taxi home, because it was too cold and dark out. Percy held out the door for me, and once I got in, I told the driver our address. ("our" ^•^)

     Most of the drive home was very silent, besides the honking car horns that surrounded us. Percy looked out the window.

     "I can't believe her." Percy blurted. "She just ruined everything."

     "It's okay, babe." I assured, taking hold of his hand. "It's still the best birthday I've ever had."

     Percy looked over at me and smiled. I quickly flashed a smile back.

     "It's not over yet." He leaned in to peck my lips.

     I blushed, remembering what we'll continue at home.

     "Hey Nico?" He asked.


     "I l–" He started, but didn't get to speak his words just as a charging truck from the right crashed onto the passenger side, where Percy was sitting. All I remember is our taxi getting pushed into a metal lamppost, red and blue flashing lights, and dark crimson liquid spilling down the broken glass windows.

The next day~~~~~~~~~~

     I woke up in a hospital room. My body ached with pain. The T.V was off, cheap paintings hung on the walls, and the place smelt of the sick and wounded. The lights weren't turned on, so the only light source came from the window. I was sitting in an uncomfortable chair next to the window. Outside, it was pouring buckets. In front of me was a hospital bed, but from the ceiling hung curtains, hiding the bed. From inside the curtains I could hear mumbling and beeping. A skinny, blonde nurse walked out, holding a clipboard.

     "I'm assuming you're Mr. di Angelo?" She asked.

     I nodded silently.

     "Mr. di Angelo, I'm here to inform you that last night you were involved in a severe intersection collision caused by an overly intoxicated truck driver. You don't have any major injuries, just a few bruises and cuts from the glass. But the other one, um" She paused to look at her clipboard. "Mr. Jackson, he's in a coma, due to a severe head concussion, and he broke his right ankle. He also has whiplash in his neck." She finished.


     "Where is he?" I choked as my eyes started to water.

     The nurse held open the curtain for me to enter. "He hasn't woken."

     I slowly walked inside the curtains. "I'll leave you two alone." She said emotionless, and then left.

     Percy lie in the bed, still. He wore a brace around his neck, his leg was lifted up. All these types of needles and conjunctions pierced into his skin, pumping all sorts of liquids and chemicals into his body. He didn't look like Percy at all. His flesh was so pale as if all of his blood trickled down the drain. The heart monitor beeped loudly, letting me know he's still alive; letting me know that we could still carry on.

     I stared in horror, standing at the foot of the bed. I refused to call it "his bed", because it wasn't his. This is a bed where other poor souls have rested on. This is a bed where surgeries were done and lives have passed. This is not "his" bed. "His" bed, or "Our" bed, is at home, waiting for us to return and to continue my "birthday present".

     I walked over to the side of the bed. Percy's eyes were shut and his chest was barely moving. I crouched down next to him and held his cold hand in between both of mine.

     "Please wake up, Percy." I wept as my tears fell from my cheeks to the white tile floor. "Please, don't leave me just yet. I wanted to grow old with you, be happy for the rest of our lives." I paused, unable to speak due to the lumps forming in my throat. I rested my head on the edge of the bed. "Please wake up soon."

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