5: New Guest?

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"SANS!!! THERE'S SOMEONE AT THE DOOR LOOKING FOR YOU!!!" Papyrus yelled barging inside. "Uh... who?" Sans asked. "I DON'T KNOW!!! HE SATS THAT YOU KNOW HIM AND HE CAME HERE TO TALK AND TALK ONLY!!" Papyrus responded running to his room instantly and slamming the door. A picture fell off the wall. Me and Sans stared at the picture. "I got it." I said walking over to it and picking it up. "Alright... I'll, be back." Sans said shrugging. "You won't mind ifnI join will you? It get lonely." I asked. "Don't you mean bonley? Either way, I don't care." Sans answered walking to the door. I found the hanger on the back of the frame and tried to hang it back up, it took a few tries but I got it. I straightened it out and grabbed my jacket. I opened the door walking out and shutting it behind me. A tall figure froze infront of Sans as I turned around. "Uh...." I hummed trying to creep it from getting akward. "Spill it." Sans ordered, his voice dark and angry. "Sans? You okay?" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder. Sans ignored me. The tall figure turned back to Sans. "✌️👍🤚👌👉🤞👌👍" (I have no idea what simbol means what so just go with it.) The figure signaled. "Uhuh! Sure, I'm not sure if that!" Sans growled. "Should I not be here?" I asked, my heart dropped as I was in the middle of this... conversation? The figure turned to me. "🤚☝️🖖🤘👊🤛👈👌☝️" The figure simboled once again. "I don't know what does it look like sherlock?" Sans shrugged, his voice became more angry, even darker as he growled. "Okay... Imma grab some groceries." I said, walking to the store. A hand grabbed my wrist as I turned around. "Don't leave me with this guy!" Sans whispered so the figure couldn't hear. "Okay, who is this though?" I asked. Sans sighed. The figure turned on a nearby light. He had black string-ish things attached to him glowing all around. He kinda reminded me of Slenderman.... don't know why, maybe it's how tall he was? Or maybe how pale? I don't know. He had cracks going opposite directions starting at his eyes. The cracks ended around the top of his skull and near his jaw. "👋 ☝️👆🖐👎🤚🤞👆" He signaled. "I'm sorry, I don't understand." I said trying to find a way he can talk to me in a language I understand. I looked around. "What you lookin' for kid?" Sans asked. "I'm trying to figure out how to understand him.... hmmm." I answered humming. "OH!!! I know! I'll be right back!" I said running inside. I grabbed a paper and a pencil, and walked outside. "You know how to wright right?" I asked. He nodded and I gave him the paper. He wrote down something and handed me the paper. It was organized as he put a bullet point and his letter on the top line.
•The names Gaster, W. D. Gaster.
It read. I handed the paper back. "Hi Gaster!" I waved giving a warm smile. He waved back. Sans groaned mocking his head on the side of the house. "Sans? Are you okay?" I asked once more. Gaster started weighting something else down.
Me and Sans has a bad past.
I nodded. "What happened?" I asked. Giving the paper back.
More like, "What did I do?"
Gaster wrote. "Hmm... I'll leave it at that. Hey Sans?" I asked. Sans looked at me, lowering a brow. "Yeah kid?" Sans responded, shrugging. "Are you sure? I can just go grab some ingredients and clothes." I answered. Sans shook his head. "No, don't, I can't promise any safety for him." Sans growled, standing up strait. Gaster sighed. "🤞👉👍☝️🤝🤛🖐🤞👇🖐👎👇🖖" Gaster signaled. Sans sighed. "I still can't promise safety, but I guess... I'll give ya' another chance." Sans sighed. "C'mon, It's getting cold and the kids gonna freeze." Sans shrugged. "I got my jacket!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, a jacket. Where's your coat?" Sans asked. I opened my moth to respond but decided that he was right. "Heh, I won that round!" Sans smirked walking back inside. "You coming G?" Sans asked as I followed. Gaster rolled his eyes but followed anyway. "Hey, want some spaghetti? Papyrus never really eats it. And I don't want it." Sans shrugged. I glared daggers at Sans. Gaster points to me and Sans realized my gaze. "Okay! Okay! Fine! I'll give him a warning!" Sans complained. "It's not the best spaghetti..." Sans added rubbin the back of his skull.
How bad is it?
Gaster asked. "He can't even cook the noodles right." I complained. Gaster nodded. "Man, you take all the fun." Sans mumbled hoping I wouldn't hear. "Sans, you take away fun at times too!" I pointed. "You heard me?" Sans asked looking shocked. "Sans, look who your talking to." I answered crossing my arms. Sans made a 'oh right' face and nodded. "Yeaaahh.... I forgot about that." Sans shrugged. (Okay! I can't take it anymore! Gaster can talk! I can't keep that up! 😂) "What?" GasTeR'S glitchy voice asked. "Bad memories." I responded. "Just as bad as mine." Sans shrugged. "I can take it off..." Gaster suggested. "Take what off?" I asked. "Yeah, that would be great." Sans said pulling out his hand to see a metal plate stuck to it that read: WDG-1 S. (Here you go if you havn't seen it!)

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