8: Enemy?

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It was almost dark and I was outside due to Sans... compliments... ugh. "You should get home. Sans going to freak." A voice came from behind me. I turned around to find Grillby staring at me. "Yeah... I know." I answered. "Why you walking out here all alone?" Grillby asked. "Sans... kinda, well... talks to much." I answered shrugging. "Puns?" Grillby asked. "No." I answered. "Hmm... you should get back, I won't delay you." Grillby waved goodbye walking away. "Yeah... c'ya." I mumbled. I sighed and started to walk back to Undyne'a place. The snow crunched under my weight as I walked. The cold air hitting my face and freezing my ears. "Brr..." I shivered. "Cold?" A dark voice asked. I froze in my tracks, the voice was dead silent, all I heard now was the wind hitting the tree's and the snow softly hitting whatever was in it's path. That has to be in my mind! Right? I asked. I don't recognize the voice... yet it sounds kinda familiar. I thought to myself. I stood there waiting for the voice to come back, but nothing. After a while I gave up on trying to figure it out, straitening my posture and started walking again. "Where are you going?" The voice asked. I froze again. I took a deep breath and turned around. There was no one there!? What the!? "Okay, I'm officially going crazy!" I assured myself. "What makes you think that?" The voice teleported behind me. I turned around sharply as I was greeted once again with the cold wind and snow. "Who's there!?" I asked, a little freaked out by the voice. "Your worse enemy!" It growled, the voice kept somehow getting behind me! I turned around quickly to see Asgore glaring down at me. I jumped at the sudden figure, expecting to see nothing again. I held my heart as I tried to calm down. "Okay... phew! You know! Your good." I breathed. "At doing whatever you did there! I think I had a heart attack!" I added falling to the ground, laying in the cold snow. Asgore just glared at me. I eventually caught my breath and rolled over, using my elbow to bring me support so I could at least sit up. I then was able to stand up. "How... how did you do that!? I can seriously use that against Sans! I need to get him back anyway!" I shrugged. "SILENCE!!!" Asgore yelled. My eyes widened at the sudden voice change, causing me to freeze. Asgore took a deep breath running the top of his nose. "C'mon! Your coming with me!" Asgore ordered. Where is he going to take me!? I asked myself. Where is who going to take you? Sans asked. I jumped at his voice. SANS STOP SCARING ME LIKE THAT!? I screamed at him. Where is who taking you!? Sans repeated. "Why did you jump? Are you just that scared?" Asgore asked noticing my action. "Yeah sure whatever, just... give me a minute." I answered, not really knowing what he asked. Asgore gave me daggers. Asgore... he's here with me and he wants me to come with him. Why? I asked turning my focus to Sans and I's conversation. DON'T GO WITH HIM! WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW!? Sans yelled. I looked around trying to figure out my surroundings. I'm... I'm almost at the entrance to waterfall. I'm in Snowdin! I wanted to see how Grillby was doing! I quickly explained. Just stay there! I'm on my way! Sans ordered. "HEY!" Asgore yelled bringing me back to reality. "S-Sorry!" I said. Not sorry. I quickly thought to myself. "Ugh! You humans are useless!" Asgore growled. "Yeah... I've been told that so many times!" I laughed awkwardly. Asgore just stared at me as if I asked what 1+1 equaled. "Pointless." Asgore mumbled. "Thanks!" I smiled. "GRR!!!" Asgore growled. "Hey! What did the dull pencil say to the sharp pencil!?" I asked excitingly. "Ugh..." Asgore rolled his eyes. "What did the dull pencil say?" Asgore rubbed his eye's, once again, at the top of his nose. "Man, this is pointless!!" I giggled. Asgore kept rubbing his eyes. His frown went away but a smile didn't appear either. "OO!!! What did the math book say to the other math book!?" I asked. "What?" Asgore asked putting his hand down. "Man! You got problems!" I answered, trying to hold in my laughter. Sans appeared behind Asgore and notuced I was trying not to laugh. Asgore tried to keep a strait face so I knew I was close! "Why can't a skeleton play church music!?" I asked. Asgore had to take a deep breath before answering so he could contain his laughter. "What?" Asgore asked, his voice a little more cheerful. "Because he don't have the organs!" I after that I couldn't take it anymore. I started to laugh, but not to bad. Asgore grew a tiny smile. Sans was trying his best not to laugh himself. "What do you call a dog with no legs!?" I asked continueing the jokes. "What?" Asgore asked, his smile growing. Sans noticed his smile and stared at me in awe. He pointed to Asgore. Then he lip mouthed 'YOUR MAKING HIM SMILE!!!??' I turned my attention back to Asgore. "It doesn't matter; it's not going to come!" I put a hand over my mouth to keep quite. Asgore put a hand over his mouth but couldn't contain it. Asgore let out a soft laugh. "What does the green grape say to the purple grape!?" I asked. "I don't know. What?" Asgore asked outing a huge smile on his face. "BREATH!!!" I yelled. Asgore started to crack up. He almost fell on the ground! Sans had to cover his mouth so he wouldn't laugh.  "Okay! I got one!" I laughed, bringing up a better one. "Three guys stranded on a desert island find a magic lantern containing a genie, who grants them each one wish. The first guy wishes he was off the island and back home. The second guy wishes the same. The third guy says: 'I'm lonely. I wish my friends were back here.'" I said. Sans couldn't take it anymore! Sans burst out laughing and Asgore did the same, Asgore didn't realize Sans was there yet because he almost rolled on him. When they calmed down Asgore took a deep breath, as for Sans... well, he don't have lungs. "Tell another one!" Sans urged. Asgore jumped at Sans voice as I tryied to calm myself down. "WHEN DID YOU GET HERE!!?" Asgore asked. "I got here when... lets see... she said the dog didn't have legs." Sans answered. Asgore sighed. "Well, I have some business to do. I'll talk to you guys later!" Asgore waved walking off. Sans smiled at me and pulled on my arm sleeve. "TELL ME ANOTHER JOKE!!" Sans yelled. And before I knew it everyone in Snowdin surrounded me. "Calm down Sans!" I laughed at his reaction. "ARE YOU GOOD AT TELLING JOKES!?" Someone in the crowd yelled. "YES!!!" Sans answered clinging to me. "Sans stop it!" I growled quitely. "But your so good!" Sans complained. "Sans!" I growled. "Awe... okay..." Sans whined. I sighed. "TELL US A JOKE!?" Someone yelled. "Why? Why is everyone so eager for me to tell a joke!?" I asked suprized and confused. "Because we saw Asgore laughing from the windows!!" Someone upfront answered. "So!?" I asked. "Oh c'mon Y/n!" Sans begged. I rolled my eyes. "FINE!!! ONE JOKE ONLY!!!" I complained, giving in. "Why was 6 afraid of 7?" I asked. "I don't know." Sans shrugged. "Cuz' Seven Ate Nine." I answered. Everyone at least chuckled at the joke. "Okay, I've said 1 joke, now, I'm out!" I said waving goodbye, as I walked away. I'm not saying another joke! Besides, I'm almost out. "C'MON!!! PLEASE!! ONE MORE!!" Some one asked. "Nope! C'ya!" I answered. "SANS TALK TO HER!!!" Someone demanded. "I talk to her all the time. Man, I hate being the center of attention. I thought to myself. "Alright! Alright! I'll talk to her!" Sans assured, I was almost at Watefall at this point. "HEY Y/N!! WAIT UP!!!" Sans yelled. I turned to face his direction, Sans was about 10 yards away, witch was quite the distance... I guess. "YOU CAN TELEPORT!!!" I yelled back. A slight smile appeared on Sans face and he teleported next to me, as I continued to walk. "See!" I smiled. "They want another joke." Sans said. "NO!!!" I screamed, looking away. "Why do you hate attention so much!? I know your not used to it... and I try to help you get used to it... but...you just don't budge. Is there a reason? Or should I just keep trying?" Sans asked. I looked at Sans who had worry filled in him. His every movement described him being worried as he walked. "I don't know... I lived without attention all my life... or, ever sense my mother died. I don't know how to take it." I answered. Sans smiled. "May I show you?" Sans asked. I came to a stop and so did Sans. "Depends on what your going to show me." I answered crossing my arms at my chest. "There will be a lot of attention. But, maybe when you get to know everyone, maybe you'll feel comfortable with it?" Sans asked. "What exactly are you planning?" I asked. "A song? Or a romance scene... something like that. We monster's aren't bad, we just think we'll be weak if we don't act it." Sans explained. I thought for a moment... "What song?" I asked. Sans thought for a moment. "How about... well, what songs do you know?" Sans asked. "I know a lot of Pop, and a few country... and some classic rock. Why?" I answered, ending it with a question. "I have an Idea, just follow my lead. Okay?" Sans asked. "I didn't fully agree, but I want to know what song first!" I answered, furrowing my eyebrows. "Timber?" Sans asked. "Alright! But... no other songs?" I begged. "If they ask for another I'll save you." Sans smirked. I smiled happily and hgave him a hug. "You wanna know what else is wierd?" Sans asked. "Sure..." I sighed. "You only open up to me... and you trust my dudgement. Why?" Sans asked. I shrugged. "C'mon." Sans said dropping the situation. "Right now?" I asked. Sans nodded. "Ugh... fine." I groaned. "I got ya' back." Sans smiled. I frowned but nodded. Sans held out a hand to me, asking me to let him. I bit my lip, and finally decided that it couldn't be that bad. I took his hand, Sans smiled in relief. Sans and I walked back to the crowd. When everyone saw us walking back, everyone started to scream. Sans looked at me to make sure I was okay, and I nodded. Sans twisted our fingers as he held my hand. I smiled and my face turned a tint of red from the action. Sans chuckled at my reaction and I just ignored it. We reached the crowd as a path was created. A black and red robot appeared in the middle of the pathway. "What's this? A joker!?" The robot had a low, yet high voice. As the robot walked closer my stomach started to turn. "Not now Metaton." Sans growled. "Oh darling! I just wanted to take a look." The robot smirked. "Darling huh?" I asked bumping Sans. "He calls everyone that." Sans sighed. "Telling her stuff about me already?" Metaton growled. "I try." Sans smirked. "What does that mean!?" He growled. "It means that you aren't the one I would blabber about! Beside's your just an actor!" Sans smirked. Sans really likes to get on other's nerves. "Of course you would talk about me! I'm the only actor down here!" He growled. "Unlike you darling, you will never be talked about! Because your protecting a human! Your supposed to be killing them!" He growled. Sans smirked. "And how did you find that out!?" Sans asked smiling. "I over heard it between two random monsters." He answered. "So there for... they were talking about me! The real question is why aren't minster's talking about you!?" Sans smirked. He froze, realizing his mistake. "Ha! You think that will stop me! I hear the girls good with jokes." He pointed a finger at Sans. "And where will that leave you?" He asked. "I'm cool with it, besides... I know more about her than anyone else does! And that's all that matters to me." Sans smirked. A blush came to my cheeks. Metaton seemed to notice because he started glancing at me, then Sans over and over again. "Oh ho ho! Someone has a crush!! What a shame would it be if someone told them! Mm mm mm." He shook his head Sans looked at me and noticed my blush grew. Sans chuckled. "What's so funny!?" Metaton growled. "Oh... nothin'. Just starin' at somethin'-" Sans started. "Don't. Say. Another. Word." I growled, interrupting Sans sentence. My voice became dark a lot more quickly than I expected. Sans instantly kept quite. "And they have a temper!" Metaton laughed. "Look who's talking." I answered. Metaton grew angery. "Watch your mouth young kid!" Metaton growled. "Try me! I have something no monster down here does!" I smirked. Metaton swung his chainsaw at me and my sword appeared in my hand. I held the sword up to block the chainsaw. The chainsaw hit my sword and split in two as my sword when through it. Sans almost teleported in the way, but he noticed something and stayed there. Metaton grew shocked. "Ya' see? I have something no one else has. And..." I paused. "I think I'm getting the hang of this!" I mumbled to myself, looking at my sword, then my black, dark wings. "I don't think you should be in that form very often though kid." Sans suggested. I thought for a moment. "Your right... never know how many people... or monsters... will want it." I responded turning into my normal form. "But I got it UNDER CONTROL!!!" I exclaimed. "Good job kid, now-" Sans was cut off. "JOKES!!!" Someone yelled. I looked into the crowed that now circled us. "Uh... Sans?" I asked. "It's alright! Trust me!" Sans answered, phong a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong? Some sort of stage fright?" Metaton teased. "Ha! No! I just don't like it!" I explained. "Oh! Of course! My bad!" Metaton answered sarcastically. I growled. "I'm sorry, did you growl?" Metaton asked. That's when an idea popped in my head. "Heh." I chuckled looking away from Metaton. "What!?" He growled. "What are you thinking?" Sans asked. "Nothin', just... remembering how his chainsaw came off. Man, you must be really mad about that. Oh well, can't do anything about it now. Imma go to my place... I'll be back soon, before midnight." I specified. "Your place huh?" Sans asked. "I was hoping you'll let me." I begged facing him. Sans smiled. "Alright fine, you know how to call me if you need me." Sans smiled. Oh, you mean like this? I asked. Sans laughed. "Yeah... like that!" Sans answered. I smiled. "C'ya later!" I waved. Phew! That was close... grr! Now I feel bad! Great! I thought to myself remembering the song me and Sans were supposed to sing. Don't worry about it! I got it under control. By the way, I think Gaster's coming over around 6:30... wanna come say hi? Sans asked. Sure, I'll be there, if I don't get stuck in the crowd. I answered. You know how to contact me. And uh... I still have the 'Walkie-Talkie' thingy. Sans announced. I laughed. Did I ever tell you your laugh is like an angel? Sans asked. Are you following me? I asked coldly. Whaaaat? I don't know what your talking about! Sans faked. "Har har Sans." I mumbled. I heard that. Sans growled. "Says the one following me." I laughed. That don't make any sense. Sans answered confused. "Should I be growling at you? Or should I try and ignore the fact that your with me." I shrugged. ... okay yeah, yeah whatever. Either way. I could hear Sans shrug in his tone. "Either way your still following me." I answered finishing his sentence. I just know a lot of people sing when their alone... I was hoping to hear your singing voice... at the same time I kinda exposed myself a little to soon... oh well. Sans then appeared I front of me. "I can only sing songs that are true. You know that right?" I asked. Sans tilted his head, showing he was confused. I quickly took out my phone without thinking and snapped a picture. "Why would you take a picture?" Sans asked tilting his head to the other side. Causing me to take another picture. "Because you look cute. And if I thought that, you might have heard and straitened your head." I explained. "You think it's... cute?" Sans asked. I nodded. "Hmm... I'll have to do it more often then." Sans shrugged. "I am  really bad at lying... turns out... I can't sing when I lie." I explained getting back on the topic. "And how did you figure this out?" Sans asked. "When Is as little, I loved to sing. There where songs that I couldn't sing, and I came to the conclusion, tested it, and it turned out that my hypothesis was correct every time." I explained. "Huh... so you really wanted to kill Betty?" Sans asked. "I was on a major rampage... I don't know now, but... I definitely don't want to see her again." I answered. "Hmm.... interesting." Sans thought. "So can you sing a love song about someone, and know their your true love due to if you sing well or not?" Sans asked. "Yeah... it hasn't worked so far." I answered. "Why don't you sing a love song right now?" Sans smirked. "What for-OOHHH!!!.... Yeah, no." I answered. "Why not?" Sans asked. "Because... I don't think that's how it works, others find there true love without singing it." I rolled my eyes. "But you don't open up to anyone!" Sans complained, poking me on my chest. "Well... I .... if I sing, and it turns out I can, you can't make a big deal out of it." I smirked. "And what do you mean by that?" Sans asked. "You can't tell anyone!" I growled. "Deal!" Sans instantly responded. I sighed... here goes nothin' I thought. "It's not nothin', but you continue." Sans smirked. I glared daggers at him. "What?" Sans asked. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. "You want me to sing a song first, to make you confterable?" Sans asked. I nodded. "Tha would be great!" I nodded, as I laughed little.

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