DNA ❤️ part four

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Imagine: Ronnie Devoe




You stared anxiously at the pregnancy test in your hand. You had just taken it and now you were waiting for results. There a knock on the bathroom door and you knew exactly who it was." Come in." You said and unlocked the door." Did it come in yet?" You 'best friend' Shamari asked." No, but can you look for me." You said and handed her the test." Sure anything for you." She said smiling at you.

    You waited a couple minutes, then Shamari gasped." You're pregnant." She said in disbelief and what seemed like guilt." Why did you say it like that?" You asked and took the pregnancy test from her." Look sit, please." She sighed and pointed to the toilet." Why?" You asked and slowly sat on the toilet." I've been sleeping with Ronnie." She said then looked at you." How could you do this to me?" You sneered standing up and opening the bathroom door." I know it seems bad, but he never loved you and he came to me, asking me how to tell you he didn't love you and one thing led to another and we've been seeing each other for the last few months." She said walking behind you.

   "You were supposed to be my best friend. How can you sleep with the man I love over and over again." You yelled turning around." Don't yell at me. It's not my fault you're not good enough to keep a man." She sneered with a smirk. You knew she was talking about your ex boyfriends who cheated on you and now it made sense they left you for her. You quickly turned around and slapped the shit out of her." You're a fucking slut." You spat in her face then turned around to see Ronnie with a angry face.

   All you did was roll your eyes at him and tried to walk fast him." Why did you slap her?" He asked angrily looking down at you. You were scared of Ronnie when he was mad." If you were here you would know." You said pushing past him and to the door. You turned around and through the test at him." I'm pregnant you asshole." You yelled and slammed the door behind you. You heard the door open behind you, and footsteps." You can't be pregnant." Ronnie said holding up your positive test." I am. You didn't use a condom and I'm not on birth control." You said and pulled out of his grip.

   "Is it even mine?" He asked as you were about to get into the elevator." Of course it's yours. But it can just be mine if you want to be a asshole." You said and looks at him. You were hurt that you lost the only two people in your life. Your parents don't approve of your and Ronnie's relationship so they through you out, you moved in with Shamari and then she does this and now you probably lost Ron too." Why would you do this? Mari told me you've been sleeping together for the last couple months. We sleep together two days ago." You said as you wiped your tears.

   "It doesn't matter anymore." Ronnie said leaning on the wall next to you." It does. It matters to me and my baby, you know. But I can raise this baby alone while you and Shamari live a wonderful Y/N free life." You huffed and walked away from him. He watch as you slowly watch away, the baby in your stomach just couldn't be his it just couldn't. He shook his head and walked back to Shamari's apartment.

   "The baby is not yours. She told me that her and her ex boyfriend had sex before they broke up." Shamari lied with a smirk on her face. Ronnie didn't want to believe it though." No, they broke up like 5 months ago. I know she hasn't been to see him since." Ronnie said shaking his head." He was here a few weeks ago." She 'stated' and walked to the kitchen." He was?" He asked and looked behind Mari." Yes, they were going at it for the last time I guess." She laughed." I knew that baby isn't mine." Ronnie mumbled under his breath as he felt a headache coming in.


   You were sitting on a bench outside of yours and shamaris apartment building in the freezing cold. You were sitting here for about and hour before some one came and sat next to you. You jumped when they put there coat on your shoulders. You quickly looked and saw Ronnie, you took the jacket off and gave it back to him." Leave me alone." You shivered as he put the jacket back on you." Why are you sitting out here?" He asked putting his elbows on his knees." I have no where to go." You said pulling the warm jacket closer to you.

   "No one told you to leave." He said." It's for the better. Shamari got me so upset, with the things she was saying to me and for you too. She said that you both loved each other and are meant for each other." You said and got up." At least let me pay for a hotel or something." He said as he stood up beside you." Nah I can take care of my self." You said handing him his jacket and walked away somewhere." Here, at least get something to eat. For the baby of course." He said handing you some money." I can't take it." You sigh crossing your arms." Yes you can, and take my jacket I don't want you to be cold." He said and wrapped the jacket spring you again." Thanks Ron. This is the last time I'll be seeing you." You said and walked away." Bye." Ronnie yelled as he watched you turn a corner. He sighed heavily and looked up the the apartment window to see a mad Shamari. He shook his head at her and walked to his car.

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