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The guys sat at the table all thinking what to do, should they go and talk to him or something?, then suddenly Rowe stood up and walked towards the balcony and as if on instinct the rest followed but where careful to keep a distance but made sure they would still hear what was going on.

Charles stood on the balcony memories flooding into his head, he couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes.

"Charles are you there! " Joan called" over here! Behind the rocks "he called, he waited for a few minutes, then she can in view, he watched as She took in the sight before her, he watched as her face that always seems to have that bored and uncaring look morphed into one of admiration, he saw as her lips twitched up even in the slightest, how those beautiful eyes shone there true color that bright beautiful purple coming out from the darkness in which they usually hide themselves , he found himself asking how can a person be so beautiful. When her eyes finally found his she asked "is this the place you wanted to show me?" he nodded "you like it?" she smiled "it's beautiful" then something dawned on him " aren't you suppose to have left" he asked, In confusion "oh" she said in realization, as if just remembering something , she tore her eyes from the sight before her and then looked at him with a small smile "I asked them to hold it back a little, you really wanted to show me this place.... And there's something I need to tell you" Charles nodded, silently telling her to go on, she gestured with her hands they should start walking, taking this as an opportunity to show her around he grabbed her hands and lead her closer to the falls "you know am not the best at Comforting speeches, but here it goes" Charles smiled at this, Joan, comforting speech, This is going to be good, sensing his thoughts, she hit him playfully on his arm "am trying to be serious here, OK!" Charles nodded trying to hide his smile, only on rear cases do you see Joan as free as this, and mostly when alone with him " look I know you feel a little sad that your father's paying more attention more to Tam and he doesn't really notice you, it's not like that, you know, your farther loves you just as much as he loves Tam, just look at it this way, if you have a horse and you've trained and groomed it and you know it's well behaved and then they bring another horse, that's not yet trained and groomed, which will you spend more time with? . "

"The one that's not groomed or trained" Charles replied "and why would you do that, Isn't the groomed one safer and better to ride With?" Joan asked "yes, but if I spend more time with the groomed one, what time will I have to groom and train the other.... And it's trained already it's not like it's going to become wild because I don't spend much time with it anymore" Charles replied in a duh tone.

"exactly this is what am saying, you've been thought how to behave and do things since you where a child, you lived with both your father and mother. Tam never hard that, she was left in the streets , she's that horse that needs grooming, she never had a father she was out there in the streets fending for herself while you where in a Palace , your dad is just trying to make up for the times he wasn't there, to make sure she knows she has a family, and your just being a pain in the ass, spending time and paying attention to her doesn't mean he loves you less, his just helping her out like he helped you, making up for the lost time, trying to heal her wounds, so stop giving her a had time OK she's just trying to fit in." Charles stood there in thought he new Joan was right in a sense but he still felt his father likes her better.

"I know Joan, but I still thinks he likes her better even though he doesn't love me less " Joan looked at him for a while before saying" I said what I had to say, take it or not, it's not my problem, at least I said something "Charles laughed at joan's way of talking to someone, she felt just saying what she thought was enough, and the person will figure it out on their own." any way I have few minutes before I leave, what do you want to do? "Charles thought for a while and worked forward to a stream" oh! Look there something in the water! "he exclaimed" what?, where?, I don't see anything "Joan replied peering into the water" look closer "Charles said, and as she bent closer he pushed her into the water, Joan glared at him playfully as she found her bearing, and Charles erupted in laughter her face was priceless as he gave her a push her eyes looked like they would pop from there sockets" you know, am starting to think there was nothing in the water "Joan said pretending to still look for the thing" you just figured it out? , you know I knew you were slow but not this slow "Charles said as she playfully glared at him" your going to pay for this Charles "she said looking at her clothes" and how do you expe-"before Charles could finish his statement he landed in the cold water, he shivered a little at the feeling. he looked up to see Joan laughing he watched as she clutch her side, her eyes were closed and her face tilted up slightly, it was a rear occasion for her to laugh and he felt proud he was the one making her laugh, soon the sweet melody of her laugh died down she opened her eye for him to see a vibrant purple color, they where beautiful. They played in the water for sometime and then got out , Charles did his best to remove the water from there clothes, but it was still damp "uncle and aunt will not be happy to see me like this" she muttered "what do you mean, you look great! " Joan reached forward and flicked him on the nose "of course you'll say that, it was you fault I landed in that stream" she said and Charles gave her a cheeky grin " really thought there was something in the water, you know" he said faking honesty, before he new he was tumbling Into the water "oops my hands slipped" Joan said with a smug smile on her face before adding "race you back too the palace " she yelled already starting to run, Charles jumped out of the water and started running "give up now..... You can't win" Joan said as Charles was in close range " are you sure about that?" Charles said as he over took her, Joan huffed and Charles laughed at her childish behavior, Joan saw a rock and used it as a leverage, she used it to jump and landed in front of Charles "it's not too late to give up Charles dear" she said mockingly the palace was clearly in sight, she was already planning her victory dance when a hard body collided with hers, she and Charles tumble until they came to a stop where Charles parents where standing, Joan groaned "uh? What happened?" she asked, Charles gave her a apologetic look "sorry" he said.

"by the gods, look at you! , what were you children doing "Charles mother cried, trying to hide a smile creeping to her face she loved to see them together, that's why she quickly agreed when Joan asked to stay a little longer to talk to Charles" now you children go and change, Joan it's soon time to go " Charles father said, not missing the small frown that crept to his sons face, he smiled a little, the children nodded and went off to change.

Just when Joan was about to enter the portals they heard someone call, they looked to see Tamara running towards them, she gave Joan a hug which she returned eagerly "I'll miss you An!, take care" Joan gave a genuine smile "I'll miss you too Tam" she said, Charles wasn't really happy about this, for some reason he wanted to be the last person she touched before she left, as if sensing his uneasiness Joan hugged Charles again "take care, and remember what I told you" she whispered, and he nodded "bye" she told Charles parents "goodbye Joan, we hope to see you soon" Charles mom said "and send our greetings to your uncle and aunt" Charles father added and Joan nodded before stepping into the portal.

*flash end"

Charles felt a hand on his back and turned to see Rowe.
"you OK? "he asked and Charles nodded "she's coming back and are you ready?" he asked again. Charles was silent for a while before he said "do you know the last words she said to me?" Charles asked"Char-"he was cutoff "she told me she loved me and left me there in pain" Charles hands tightened on the rails of the balcony, trying not to cry, the guys still listened in their hiding spot.

"we are too wise to be foolish to not know what we feel, only smart that we ignore it, goodbye my dearest Charles till we meet again "Charles said Rowe just remained quite letting vent everything out" I hear those words like it was yesterday, I try to forget them but I can't, they hurt worst than anything she's ever said to me " he voice cracked a little to the end, he paused for a while then turned to look at Rowe" why say she cares if she won't stay, why call me dearest if I wasn't dear enough to her, to stop her from going, she only considered her feelings not mine, is that what love is?, I keep trying to understand, and I know it just her way of fixing things but it still hurts you know, wondering how things would have been, if I had just swallowed my pride and said, I love you, would she have known I was serious? , that I was willing to take the risk , would she have stayed? , I'll never know, will I? " Charles said as he dropped his head and let the tears flow.

"things happen, we can't change the past but you can make the present better, she's realized her mistakes and she's coming back, you have the chance to straighten things out"Charles slowly nodded "but don't think of that now it's late and you should go get some rest" as soon as Rowe said that, the guys scurried away Val went to clear the table the rest sat there talking and behaving like they have been doing that all along, Charles shook his head he knew they might have listened in on what he was saying but choose not to comment, he just went to his room and drifted into sleep land.

One by one they started going to there rooms that was enough stories for the day, Val soon finished with the kitchen and went to her room she gave her little Dragon baby something too eat kissed it on the head and put it to sleep. Then she too drifted into sleep just thinking what Charles might be going through, she hopes everything works out for them.

Hope you guys like it, catch ya later ;-)

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