The Problem Continued

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I still get to talk to Paige though. She doesn't care what Mike thinks of me. She says I'm her best friend and i want it to stay that way until it can be change for the better. Mike has talked to me about not talking to her, trying to turn me away but has failed every time. He doesn't realize that I don't care if she doesn't like me or anything like that, I just care that I get to talk to her. He just doesn't get it through his thick skull.

I do have my friends to help though. They kinda understand all of this but not the entire situation. My anger management helps too. Not all the time though. The other day I got into an argument with Mike on Paige's phone. He actually hid behind her phone to get to me. That at first got me mad because e would dare to do that. The argument lasted a good 20 minutes and then he just left and Paige took over again. She was mad at me for that. But she was also mad at Mike because he started it. She didn't talk to me for about 2 weeks but not all because of what I did. She had her family problems that were going on. She didn't even talk to Mike. Finally my friend, Chris, got her to open up and she started to talk to me more. She did this for another weeks and then she stopped again for another 2 weeks. Then she has talked to me since. She has gotten mad at me though but only because she was somewhat confused of my intentions in certain things. So that was easily fixed. She also still trusts me a lot like before, she tells me stuff that she doesn't tell other people and it makes me feel better that she can trust me like no one else does. Like I said, she makes me happy. When I'm happy I don't lie so she can trust me whenever she feels like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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