Chapter 3

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The only good part about his date with Quinn was that he could say he'd already eaten. But he was so sure that she knew his secrets. First Finn, now her. He'd just have to work harder to be better. He could do it. He knew he could.

He walked in the door, and went to the living room. He was hoping he'd be able to say a quick hello, and than escape to his room. But when he walked in, Burt, Carole and Finn were sitting on the couch. They looked like thy were waiting for him.

"Hey guys. I just went out to eat with Quinn. So I'm just going to go upstairs to do my homework."

"Sam," Finn said. "Quinn just called. She said you didn't eat anything."

Sam froze. He could tell by the looks on their faces that he was in trouble.

"Sam honey," Carole asked. "What's going on?"

Sam burst into tears. He hadn't meant to, but the stress of the day had just gotten to him. This was the last straw.

"Sam?" Carole got up to hug him. He let her, crying into her shoulder. They probably stood like that for 15 minutes. Finally, his tears had subsided. He looked up. Sometime while he was crying, Finn had left. Carole led him to the couch.

"Sam, Finn told us his concerns. He's worried you're not eating enough. He said Quinn has noticed it too. So has Kurt." Burt told him.

"So have we," Carole added. "We're worried."

Sam looked down. He was embarrassed that they'd realized it. But it made sense. He was such a failure that of course he wouldn't able to hide this. He was an idiot for thinking that he could.

"Sam, I'm going to schedule a doctors appointment for tomorrow. I'll call your school and tell them you won't be there," Carole told him. "Ok?"

Sam nodded. He just wanted to go upstairs.

"One more thing," Burt added. "We need to know. Have you been cutting yourself?"

Sam was shocked. He could see how someone would find out about him not eating, but how would they find out about the cutting?

He shook his head quickly. "No, of course not. Can I go upstairs now?" He asked.

Carole nodded, sending a worried look to her husband. There was something more going on with that boy. And she was worried.


Sam couldn't believe the day he'd had. He laid on his bed, thinking about the events that had happened. First, Finn had almost seen his cuts this morning. Than Finn said that if he needed anything, he should talk to him. Than, he had gotten his science test back, the one he'd spent hours studying for, to find out that he'd failed. After that, Quinn questioning him on their date.

And to top it all off, Burt and Carole now know about his eating disorder.

He cut his arms for the first time that night.


Sam sat in the doctors office. She had taken lots of different tests. They were just waiting for her to come out and tell them what was wrong.

Dr. Smith walked in, and sat down at he desk. "Sam," she began. "It seems like you have severe anorexia."

Sam felt Carole sigh.

"I'm glad you brought him in when you did. I don't see why he won't be able to make a complete recovery - physically at least." Dr. Smith said to Carole. "A couple more weeks though, and he'd have lost a lot of muscle."

Dr. Smith and Carole continued to talk for awhile. Sam wasn't really listening, until he heard the word "cutting".

He looked, and saw the two older women looking at him in concern.

"Sam," Carole started. "Dr. Smith said she saw some cuts on your arm."

"Sam, there's nothing to be ashamed about. We just need to figure out how to stop this all." The doctor added.

Sam couldn't believe this. They knew about the cutting too. He was embarrassed, and disgusted by himself. He ruined everything.


After the doctor had given them the number of a therapist that she recommended, Carole brought Sam home. Sam was about to go to his room, but Carole stopped him.

"Sam, we need to talk."

She led him to the table, and sat him down.

"There's going to have to be some changes around here, Sam. First of all, I need you to come to every meal. I need to make sure that you're eating enough. And at lunch, you need to eat with someone who knows about all of this."

Sam nodded.

"Also, you need to tell your parents. I think it might be a good idea if you went to visit them this weekend. They need to know."

Sam dreaded having to do that. His parents would be so disappointed.

"And I need you to come talk to me, or anyone, if you ever feel like cutting again. Ok?"

"Ok," Sam replied. "Just one thing. Could we not tell the glee club? I really don't want them to know."

"But at lunch-"

"I'll tell Quinn, and obviously Finn and Kurt. Just please don't make me tell anyone else," Sam pleaded

Carole looked at him, and saw the fear in his eyes. Her heart went out to this poor, broken boy. "Of course, sweetie. I'll make you some dinner, than you can go upstairs."

Sam just sat there, staring at the kitchen wall, processing everything that happened that day. He couldn't believe he was that stupid. Now everyone was going to pity him, and tell him it was alright, that he could get better. But he knew he couldn't.

The only way things would get better would be if he kil-

His thoughts were interrupted by Carole putting a plate of food in front of him.

Forty-five minutes later, he'd eaten about half his meal. Carole thought he'd been through enough already today, and sent him upstairs. Besides, the other boys would be getting home from glee soon anyway. She thought it'd be easier if Sam didn't have to see them.


When Finn and Kurt got home, Carole brought them to the living room. She told them what the doctor had said.

Both boys were worried, but Carole assured them that Sam would be alright. He just needed their support.

"One more thing guys," Carole added. "Sam doesn't want anyone else in the glee club, besides Quinn, to know about this. We have to respect his wishes, ok?" The boys nodded. "Also, it'll be your guys' responsibility to make sure that Sam eats enough at lunch. And to make that he doesn't work out in the gym."

Kurt went up to his room to start his homework, but Carole held Finn back.

"Finn, could you go tell Quinn all of this please?"

Finn nodded, and went out to his car.


Sam heard Carole tell Kurt and Finn about him. Then he saw Finn leave. Probably because he was disgusted with Sam. Sam knew that Sam was disgusted with Sam. He already felt fat. How in the world was he suppose to eat three meals a day, and not work it off in the gym? And now they'd all be watching him closely, so he wouldn't be able to cut as often now.

He just wanted to die.

Duh duh duh. Sorry about the cliff hanger.
Thanks for reading!

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