A Comforting Hand

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Lance X Reader

"Guys, I can't take much more of this!" I called out into the coms. I was taking heavy fire from the front. The Galra set a trap for us, we were currently stuck in a deep underground cave running beneath a beautiful red planet filled with minerals needed to build nations of skyscrapers.

"Just hold on a little longer (Y/N)! I think I have a plan." Shiro responded in a panic. His face apearing on the side of my screen.

"Okay!" I called back, voice strained in effort to hold my position. Hy hands gripped my Lion's handles so tightly that my knuckles turned white.

All of my strength was being put into this defensive position, we were okay, but the Galra was pushing us continuously farther and farther into the deep dark cave. It was going to take a miracle for us to get out of this.

Lance's video screen popped up in the side of my screen. "Guys, (Y/N) can't hold on much longer! We need to do something!" He erged the rest of the Paladins. His expression held fear and concern and despite the pain from effort, I smiled.

Then, I noticed a small Galra ship slying moving among the ranks. Suddenly a picture of destruction came into my mind. My lion was trying to warn me. That ship would completely wipe us out if we let it near us. It was a suicide bomber. I needed to do something. And quick!

"Guys, my lion just..." I was cut off by another hit, shattering the shield that I had formed. I yelled in fear as we flew back into the cave wall.

"Incoming on your side, (Y/N)!" shouted Kieth. I shoved my controls forward moving the entire system of Voltron forward, plowing through the enemy.

" (Y/N) WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Screamed Keith angerly.

Shiro's face appeared on the center of the screen before me. "(Y/N) what's up?" He asked. His face confused. He knew I wouldn't do something so rash without a real reason.

"Shiro my lion showed me something. We need to het out of here. NOW!" I yelled slamming the controls a second time going even farther into enemy ranks.

"You're going to get us killed!" Kieth yelled. He tried to counter my move but it was too late. Distantly, through all the clashes and bangs, I heard Pidge cry out in pain.

We were taking on heavy fire, but I got us away from the bomber so at least we still had a fighting chance. Quickly and with much difficulty Shiro was able to navagate us out of the caves and we made a full retreat back to the castle.

Back at the Castle...

"Are you stupid? (Y/N), what were you thinking! You could have gotten Pidge killed!" Screamed Keith as he angerily made his way towards me. He raised his hands roughly pushing me into the wall of the lower chambers of the Castle. My shoulders throbbed, his hands were crushing them. I was frozen in fear. I never thought Keith would do this. "You're such an idiot!" He added.

"Hey!" Lance yelled, running towards us. But Shiro was here before Lance even had a chance to move. Shiro grabbed his shoulder and pulled him off of me his face expressionless. He knew that I messed up. I knew that I messed up.

I was still kind of in shock as Lance gently grabbed my arm. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" He asked. I nodded and blinked hard a few times, still trying to process what had just happened.

I looked at Pidge, she was holding her left arm carefully as Hunk ran to get medical supplys to help her. I started to walk over to her to help but Keith stopped me again. "No! Don't you dare help her! You're useless!" My heart broke. I was just trying to help. I tried to keep my shield up, but I was overwhelmed. It was either die or suffer the concequences of battle. I had to choose and of course I made the wrong decision as usual. I guess I really am an idiot. I am useless. I felt the familiar numbness of worthlessness come over me as I looked at the angry expression that Keith held.

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