Chapter 1

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Voldemort's eyes rolled back as his curse backfired on him. Harry knew that he only had a matter of seconds before he died again, once and for all. He turned to Ron and Hermione and mouthed "Goodbye" before his vision was obscured in whiteness.

A face suddenly was before him. He felt that he was looking in a mirror. Then the face smiled, and he knew that he was looking at his father.

He gave him an enormous hug.

"We're proud of you sweetheart." Lily Potter said as she joined the hug. Harry thought he was going to cry, he was so happy.

"Now son. We don't have much time." James said.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

Lily sighed. "Harry, we've been watching you for many years, wishing we could comfort you. Now that you're here, fate has decided that you should have a chance at another life. You'll still be you, but not in the world you know."

"You mean that I have to live... again?" Harry asked. A look of pain obscured his parents faces.

"Yes. We were able to convince him that we should talk to you for a few minutes before you were brought into the other world. He's going to... change you." Lily said.

"Change me?"

"I'm not allowed to say more about it Harry." She continued. "I just want you to know how proud we are of you."

"Will I remember anything?" He asked. "Will I still have my name? And my memories."

"Yes." James said.

Harry nodded. He didn't know how his control snapped, but tears started spilling from his eyes.

"We're watching over you, son." James said.

"Always." Lily finished. His parents hugged him one last time, and even then, he noticed that his form had been getting mistier. Suddenly, he was in a totally different place.

A man was sitting on a throne with the back toward him. He was looking at many different swirling images. With a jolt, Harry realized that one of them was of his dead corpse, with many people crying over him.

"Come in." The man said without looking up. He swept the images aside. Harry trembled and walked over to the man. The man looked at him with his silvery eyes.

"I am fate, Harry." The man said. "I trust that your parents explained why you're here."

Shaking, Harry nodded.

"Now." Fate continued. "I was able to transfer your wand from your world. But with a cost. You will have to find your wand on your own, and it won't be easy. Especially from the form you will be taking."

"Form?" Harry asked.

Fate nodded. "An elf child."

"A what?"

"I'm sure someone will explain it to you." Fate replied. He waved his hand, and suddenly, a familiar sword appeared out of nowhere.

"The sword of Gryffindor." Harry swallowed. Fate handed it to him.

"You will need it. But," He waved his hand again, and a Ruby pendent on a golden chain appeared around his neck. "You will also need this to find it."

Harry nodded. "Does this mean that I have to go through another war?"

Fate nodded again. "People have to do much to earn their own peace. And you, Harry Potter, are no exception."

"Even after Voldemort?"

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