Chapter Twenty Five

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sorry for the wait guys :( comments and votes would be appreciated :)


Ron getting poisoned has been the talk of the school. F*ck this, people keep giving me and Draco sideways glances, some don't even have the cortousy and stare at us full on when we pass them in the corridor. It was actually starting to get on my nerves.

I was minding my own business walking to transfiguration when some stupid, jumped up third year girl stood in my way.

"Move" I barked.

"What'cha gonna do? Poison me?" She retorted.

I had just about had enough of all this. I was at the end of my tether.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, now move the fuck out of my way, I'm not afraid to jinx you." I said calmly, now wanting her to know she was getting to me.

"I don't belive you."

"Listen to me now. I have no idea who the f*ck you are but you are seriously p*ssing me off right now. Didn't anyone ever tell you to respect your elders? Your parents maybe? If I were you I would get your friends and get out of my way right now or you are all going to be in the hospital wing buy the beginning of your next lesson. Don't you dare cross me again, little girl, or I will do some serious damage, you mark my words." I threatened, a glint in my eye.

She turned and retreated without a word, taking her friends and scurrying away.

I smirked to myself, so much for nice Lexi, I missed being a bitch. 

I got to transfiguration just in time. I settled down and tuned out, not hearing a single word the old bat was saying. I already knew all this, its what basically living alone for two years with a neglecting Aunt does to you, I've basically read every magical book there is.

I made a point of leaving first as soon as the bell rang, and decided to skip last period. 

It's fairly obvious where I went, but not without taking a quick stop to my dorm to pick up some firewhiskey first, of course. 

"Babe, it's only me." I yelled as I entered the vast room. "And i brought drink, call me the best girlfriend ever."

"You're the best." He breathed down my neck, making me jump and almost drop the bottles. 

 "You scared me." I sighed as I exhaled in relief. 

He guided me over to the old couch where we took a seat. Draco lay his head in my lap and rested his feet over the arm of the couch. I handed him a bottle and he took a deep swig. 

"How long left?" I asked softly, the compkete opposite to my tone earlier to that girl. 

"I'm not sure, a week, maybe two."

"As long as it's not tomorrow, it's fine" i beamed.

"You really are excited love."

"It's my first ball ever of course I'm excited!"

"Didn't you go to the Yule Ball?"

"No, I got asked a lot but I just stayed in my room because I had no friends to get a dress with and I didn't really want to socialise."

"Well you have us now."

It was amazing to think how much my life had alone. Everything had happened so fast and I was so confused. It was such a mix of good and bad. 

"Wanna skip tomorroww again?" He asked, even though we skipped the day before.

"It depends what you are planning to do." I challenged, stroking his hair.

"Well, I thought we could stay in your rooom all day, get the elves to bring us food, stay in our pyjamas, and beautify ourselves."

"That sounds amazing Dray, we can do facemasks and paint nails!" 

"Seing as both of us aren't looking our best recently, we need to take a day out purely for relaxing."

"I've trained you well." I told him.

"And maybe....we can do some other stuff too...."He trailed off, but I knew exactly what he meant.

"We'll see mister." I put him back in his place jokingly. "But we should have a fun night tonight and sleep it off tomorrow, pleeaassee. Can you me and Blaise stay up all night and get drunk? We can kick everyone else out of the common room and use it all for ourseves!!!"

"Alright, if thats what you really want." We clinked our bottles and downed them before going to the common room for a night of fun.


My head was pounding a million miles an hour when I finally awoke. It was 11am. I tried to get up and go to the loo but my arm was trapped.

I grunted audibly, and the weight on my arm rolled over.

"Good morning." It whispered into my ear. "Meet me in my room in 5, we have lots to do." She winked before walking out, everyone was at class anyway.

Lexi barely ever gets hangovers, I'm so jealous. Blaise must have got up and gone to class, he's so dedicated and never skips. Oh well, different personalities.

I used the bathroom and spalshed my face with water, quickly brushing my teeth before joining Lexi in her room. 

"Hey sleeping beauty, I thought you weren't coming." 

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I smiled. 

I jumped as a house elf popped out of nowhere, carrying a big plate of food. It put the plate on a table and dissapeared as quicky as it arrived. 

We both tucked in and were finished in no time.

"TThat was amazing, thank you." She just smiled.

"I bet this will be even better." She said as she pulled my into the bathroom. There were candles everywhere and the bath was filled with bubbles. Soft music was playing in the background.

She took of her robeand slipped in quietly.

"Baths are very relaxing you know, you should take them more often , they might help you to sleep."

I joined her in the tub. This was something we'd never done before, but we sure as hell should do it more often. 

"You're beautiful, you know that?"

She blushed. No ones ever told me that before," She smiled shyly.

"Now look what I've got" she said, pulling out something in a packet. She tied her hair up in a high bun and passed me a hairband, and forced me to put it on, pulling back my hair way from my face.

"Trust me okay." She said smirking. "And close your eyes" I did as I was told, and something cold and minty was being put on my face. 

"What is this?" I asked horrified.

"Its a facemask, its good for you, now shut up or it will go in your mouth." I was scolded.

When it was all on i opened my eyes to see Lexi applying her own facemask. It was bright green. If anyone were to walk in now, my reputation would be positivley ruined. 

"Don't we look stunning." she laughed. And for a moment I let out a real, genuine laugh. I couldn't even remember any problems in my life. Amd thats why this girl is perfect for me.

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