Distant Laughter

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Just a note - Hey! Thanks for reading my little story :) This chapter is set a few years later when Jack and Mark are 14. And oh BOY, I enjoyed writing this one. It may be a bit short, sorry. BTW this is a bit more about Mark then Jack but I'll make up for it next chapter.

Mark's bare feet slapped against the warm stone floor as he raced down stairs to the private living room of the royal family. A huge fire roared in the furnace and Mark was greeted with his family waiting for him. He grinned, his parents and brother smiling happily at him, next to a small pile of gifts wrapped in brown paper.
'Happy birthday Mark!' They all chanted as he ran to hug them.
'Markimoo, happy birthday darling. You're finally fourteen today, you know what that mean!'
Mark looked up, confused before gasping as a small sword was brought out of behind the queens back. It was just big enough to fit on Mark's back. It was in a beautiful black leather sheath with crimson thread and in there was a single blood-ruby in the hilt. Mark held it with pride, his eyes shining.
'That sword is called burnt blood, and it is passed down from younger son to younger son, the princes that lead the kings guard. It will change to fit your needs as you grow and tomorrow I will start teaching you how to use it. That, and these...' The king pulled a small shield to match the sword, black with a blood-ruby, as well as a bow and quiver. The bow was dragons bone and the quiver black leather. 'These are sacred of the royal family and second sons of kings. Unlike your brother, you will not rule, instead you will become a knight and protect the kingdom. So, it is time you learnt to fight.'
Mark stood in awe, taking the presents one by one and fitting them on his back. They fit perfectly. Mark looked up as his mother smiled with pride as she slid a small burnt crimson cloak onto him. He felt proud. 'Mom, Dad, I won't let you down! I promise, I promise you Thomas, I will be the best head of the kings guard ever!'
'I somehow doubt that, little bro. But still, I got you one more present and he's downstairs!'
Mark gasped and sprinted down the stairs, racing with his brother to find a reddish brown... thing stood before him. It looked like a deer and a horse had a beautiful foal and it was standing before him, small stubby horns peeking out of his red-black mane.
'This is Tim. He's a year old and he's yours.'
'Mine? Really???'
'Yup, all yours. You want help grooming him and getting his saddle on or...'
'I can do it!'
Five hours and a lot of falling later and Mark had Tim in his stable, the horse-deer immediately trusting him. As a groom came in to take Tim out to water Tim kicked at him and hid behind Mark. He laughed and led Tim out, telling the groom he would be back in a minute.
Soon Mark was in the yard his as father taught him the basics of sword play and archery. Mark was taking it on immediately. Mark's EmberWolf Chica licked at his ankles as Mark danced around his father, taking small jabs. In next to no time the sun was setting and Mark headed back to the feast awaiting him, a huge tired smile on his face.

Jack raced down stairs, led by his sister to the main hall. The underwater castle was beautiful but big and Jack was tired by the time he reached the hall. The king grinned at him, holding out a small coral crown, saying 'Happy birthday Jack!'
Jack just stared.
'Jack, now you are fourteen I am naming you, as my oldest son, my heir. This crown shows that. And so do these.'
He held out a tide stone trident, perfect size for Jack, and a pair of HighWater long knives. Jacks eyes watered as his mother clasped her heart as it swelled with pride.
'As a king you must know how to fight with your native weapons, so I will teach you on the morrow.'
Jack could feel his heart beating hard and all he could do was grin. He was about to speak when a small green flying fish darted at him. Jack startled, his sister laughing before moving in to explain that it was 'Sam' and her gift for him.

It had been a week since the boys birthdays and the moon was finally full. Jack snuck off early that morning, leaving a note saying he had gone out to practice with his trident. Sam stuck by his side, lighting the route with his glowing eye. Jack finally made it to the breathing glade, crawling up from the water and walking out until he found his dark pool. Sam lit the way for him as he dove into the pool and swam towards the faint light of the marble passage that seemed to connect him and his best friend. He gasped as he reached the surface, pulling himself out and looking around. He leaned against the old carving stone that held the ancient symbols the two had tried and failed to translate. Sam flew around his head, illuminating the blue-ish green doublet with gold trim and sandals that he was wearing.

A rush of adrenaline filled his veins as he smelt some kind of animal. Wolf... horse... human? Jack calmed himself down, telling himself that Mark probably just got caught up with a wolf. It had been two and a half years since they had seen each other due to the fighting in the area and Jack was scared of what might happen. Mark might have found out who Jack was, some soldiers might still be in the area or worst Mark might have changed. That was when Jack turned to a noise. He could smell wolf and horse strongly, so he hid behind a rock. It was a bit small for him now but he could still manage to get in. The golden light of the sun cast the figure standing in shadows, leaving him as a silhouette. Jack held his breath, waiting.

Mark hurried to get dressed, black waistcoat over a crimson shirt with blackish crimson trousers. He packed his weapons just in case soldiers still occupied the area and stepped out into the landing. Chica started whining when Mark locked her in so he had to let her out with him for fear of waking everyone else up. He reached the kitchen and stuffed his bag with food. He proceeded to the yard before realising he was late. He would worry Jack if he was late so he decided to take Tim. The way was shorter with Tim under him and so he arrived early. He tied Tim up to a branch near the entrance of the passage and Chica sniffed at the passage before growling aggressively. Mark had never seen her do this before, even out hunting.
Mark heard a shuffle and he realised how long it had been since he saw Jack. What if Jack had changed? He was standing at the entrance to the pathway. Just to be safe he drew his sword and called Chica as he stepped forward.

Jack heard the clink of metal being drawn and could hear a dog growling. The figure was tall, around 5'5 and stood in complete darkness. This wasn't Mark, at least not the Mark that Jack knew. Footsteps. Jack was about to move when a deep voice called out,
'Who's there? J-Jack?'
The voice couldn't be Marks, too deep. But it reminded Jack of their first meeting, the slight fear hidden in bravery. Jacks voice was deeper too, but the strangers was deep. Jack took a deep breath as he prepared for... whoever it was.

Mark stepped forward. He was sure that someone was behind the rock. Sword in hand he stepped closer. He screamed, the boy screaming as well. Both did so for around twenty seconds before they realised that neither was a threat. Mark's eyes scanned the confused boy in front of him. He was tallish and lean, muscled but thin. Brilliant blue eyes that Mark could remember from childhood days past. The boy who had that pale skin and chestnut brown hair. Jack.

'W-who are you?'

Mark was startled to hear Jacks accent. He felt hurt that jack didn't remember him but brushed it off.

'Don't you know Jack?'
Mark smiled and nodded, containing his laughter at the whole event.
'Oh you son of a bitch.'
Mark laughed and it was the sweetest thing Jack had ever heard. Then a dog barked and Jack head divided into his pool. When he finally stuck his head back up Jack could see Mark laughing his heart out on the floor. Now that he saw him in his whole, Mark looked... handsome. He was tall and muscular, whilst still being sleek and lean. He was taller and stronger then Jack, that's for sure. His golden skin reflected the blue light in the cave whereas his red eyes, so soft and gentle, stood their colour. Jack was captivated with Marks eyes, wondering upon the look in they might show if they grew passionate.

Mark was now rolling on the floor with his sides fit to burst. Eventually he wiped his eyes and  stood up, offering Jack a hand to get out of the pool. Jack took it and yanked Mark in, headfirst. Jack laughed and was expecting to see Mark bob back up and join him but there was an utter panic. Steam started to come of the surface and Jack felt the water rise in temperature. Mark was sinking, fast. He looked terrified and Jack couldn't get to him in the confusion of kicking. Mark was quickly sinking to the bottom, loosing sight of Jack who was desperately trying to find him before the water swallowed him. Jack didn't understand how water killed... beings. Jack went to the surface to escape to he heat to see a wolf. He was paralysed. It was Marks, he knew for sure. It stood, an inch away from Jacks face.

Mark was at the bottom, the icy cold water initially knocking the wind out of him. He stared, thinking of his mother telling him about the water.
'Now Mark, don't go near the water or the MereMen will get you.'
'What are MereMen?'
'Well, they live in a sea kingdom called HighWater. They have fish tails and can breath under water.'
'How would they get me?'
'MereMen are nasty creatures, if you go to close to the water they'll drag you down into the depths and leave you to drown.'

Mark looked up, seeing the faintest glimpse of Jack, and finally realised the scale of his mistake when he got lost in the woods all those years ago.

Boi, that took ages to write! Sorry it's so long, more exposition needed to go. I promise this is the last long one!

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