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Just a warning, it does describe drowning in detail in case anyone get triggered by that :/
Mark's chest was pinned down by the water, his eyes stinging and his limbs beating at the darkness. Numbness was spreading through his body, his legs and arms tiring and his eyelids settling. He couldn't move, he couldn't kick or scream. He stared. No bubbles came from his mouth, the burning in his chest lessened and his limbs lay still. His eyelids stood still and heavy, he looked like he was staring at nothing, which he was. His mind was a blur, he couldn't think of something to do or say. His chest burning was the only feeling he had.
So this is how I die.
I've failed them. All of them. They won't ever find me.
A blur of bubbles and brown hair came towards Mark, desperately trying to drag him up from the deep. His chest burned.
Jack, leave.
Jack, please.
Jack, why?
Jack, I don't want you to die with me.
Jack, I'm scared.
Jack, I don't want to die.
I don't want to be alone again Jack.

Things he wanted to say swelled in his head as his body failed to respond. His whole life he had tried to be brave and stand strong, to fight for his loved ones. Black began to cloud his vision as a desperate Jack tugged at his chest in vain, trying to pull him up.

A small white bird.

Dark hands pulled at Mark, dragging him under as a small white bird tried to pull him up.

Let go Jack

Don't die for me Jack

The small bird didn't seem to be pulled under, it seemed safe.

What are you Jack?

What are we?


Darkness fell over Mark's eyes.

Jack' s eyes were red as he swam with all his might to get Mark to the surface, his legs kicking before he finally broke free of the water surface. He coughed and placed Mark on the ground, grinning for a second. Then he realised that Mark hadn't gasped for air. Jack span to see his chest deadly still.
He wasn't breathing.
Jack leapt on him, trying to remember when he had swam too deep and gotten to the dark water. The water so deep even MerePeople couldn't breath it. Jack pressed his hands on Mark's chest, gasping at how warm it was. He seemed to radiate heat and unconscious he looked like he was far away, dreaming, somewhere else. Jack pressed down as best as he could and reached down to tilt Mark's mouth open, breathing into it. After a few minutes Mark gasped for air, his red eyes burning as he coughed up all the water he held. Jack tackled him in an embrace. Mark's skin was cold and pale.

After Jack pulled away he flinched, seeing cold fury in Mark's crimson eyes. Fire and blood.
'What are you Jack?'
'M-Mark? Whatcha m-mean?'
' You can't fool me any longer. I guess you found me out first Or maybe you couldn't resist trying to drown me.'
'Mark! I-I didn't mean to! I thought you could... I swear!'
'A MereMan.'
That was when Jack put two and two together. He gasped, making Mark jump.
'You're... a human???'
Mark gave him a confused look
'You thought I was a MerePerson?'
'I guess so...'
'So... you really thought I could swim?'
'Oh my fookin god yes! I could never hurt you!'
Mark looked to the side, thinking of what this meant. Thinking of the moments before he passed out. He could feel tears brim in his eyes. Wiping them away he smiled at Jack, before loosening it and tackling him in a hug.

They stayed that way for a few minutes until Mark pulled out.
'Hey... if we're being honest I've gotta be honest... My name is Prince Mark Fischbach, the son of the king of the humans.'
Jack stared, realising what this meant. Before he could stop himself he had said the words
'Well, your majesty, my name is Prince Jack McGloughin, heir to LongWater.'

They looked at each other for a few seconds before Jack broke the silence
'If you don't tell I won't'

When blue blood spills - Septiplier kingdomsWhere stories live. Discover now