Age 2

405 15 4

Rosamund ran around Sherlock's flat with Sherlock's beloved pet skull in her tiny hands, having the time of her life. 

Over the past couple of years, Sherlock had become somewhat accustomed to having a child around and when John wasn't listening, he even told her stories about his most exciting cases, not that she understood. She just sat and giggled. But Sherlock was dead set on making sure Rosamund didn't grow up to be an idiot. 

The detective was sat in his armchair next to the fireplace, on his laptop, scowling at John's latest blog entry as Rosamund was running around his flat without a care in the world. 

Sherlock was too engrossed in John describing him as 'astonishingly arrogant' to notice Rosamund reaching up to open his fridge. She opened the fridge door and pulled out a zip lock bag filled with blood and human ears. 

Rosie laughed and waved the bag around for a few seconds before skipping over to the detective to show him her brilliant find. 

Sherlock looked up.

"Rosie...what are you holding? Are those...How did you get in the fridge?!" 

Rosamund just shrugged and laughed whilst Sherlock tried to catch her and get the bag of human ears out of her grip. 

Eventually Sherlock grabbed her and tickled her until she let go of the zip lock bag. He snatched the bag and placed it on the very top shelf in the fridge, which earned an "Awww" from Rosamund.

Sherlock grinned. "Why can't you just be like normal kids and play with dolls and stuff?"

Rosamund shrugged. 

Rosamund Mary WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now