Damn...I found my heartbeat

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Hello my name is Emma. I've been bullied my entire life. And this is my story. (:

I walk down the road, my backpack slung over my shoulder. I hear footsteps running down the sidewalk. "I'm almost home." I think to myself. I pick up my pace and walk a little bit faster. But it was no use. They stopped me. I tried to walk around them, run away, tell them to stop. But nothing worked. They threw me to the ground and started kicking my sides. "Ugly! Worthless!" They shouted into my ears. One of the girl got on top of me and started punching me in the face. "Go kill yourself, you emo little shit." She violently whispered into my ear. With tears streaming down my face, I pushed her off of me, picked up my backpack and walked down the road.

I was done. What they were saying was true. I was ugly. I was worthless. There was no more reason to live. I don't see the reason anymore to try. Or to breathe.

I open my door, throwing my bag in the floor running into the bathroom, slamming the door. I start the tub with warm water, and start taking off my clothes.

I look at myself in the mirror. "Im a mess." I whisper as I take out the multiple razor blades from behind the toilet seat. I stand in front of the mirror, taking them out of their case. Running one across my skin. I smiled as the blood started running down my arm. I started going faster, deeper, no longer caring how much of a mess I made on the bathroom floor. After my arms were filled with cuts, and blood. I then moved onto my legs. Bringing each sharp razor blade across my thighs. My fat thighs. Why do they have to touch? Smiling as the blood continued to fall down my legs and arms. I step into the tub, laying down, watching as the clear water goes from, a clear misty liquid, to a red. I smile to myself as I slide down the wall. Bringing my head down under the water. And after a few moments. All I remember was how happy I was. To be ending the pain.

He picked me up out of the water, the cold air was hitting my bare skin. He kissed my forehead, and I feel his tears hitting my cheek. He wrapped me up in a blanket and carried my outside into his car. I opened my eyes, adjusting to the light.

"T-tate?" I whisper slightly reaching for him.

"What is it, Love?" He said sweetly his eyes prickling with tears p, while staring at the road.

"Where are we going?" I ask sitting up.

"The hospital." He replies, staring at the cuts on my arms, still dripping with blood.

"No. I don't want to go." I say quickly.

He doesn't respond and continues driving. I say nothing as we pull into the hospital parking lot. He picks me up and wraps the blanket around me once more. I protest by pushing it back down and struggling in his arms.

"You know you're not going to win." He says quietly, tightening his grip around me. After a few moments, I stop struggling as he walks into the hospital.

"ICU please. Now. She needs help now. "

He said calmly enough, but with his voice a bit shaky. A doctors takes me from Tate's arms and carried me through blue doors and through a small hallway.

"Tate. Tate! TATE!"

I scream for him. They lay me down onto a bed and push me into a large room, filled with lights and scissors and a bunch of other sharp objects. I mean, don't get my wrong. It does sound weird, I self harm, and I want to die. But...not this way. Torture. Not in that way. I scream even louder and try to sit up but they push me back down.


He runs into the room, and quickly grabs my hand. "Shhhhh. It's gonna be fine." He whispers in my ear as I squeeze his hand as they push a needle into my thigh.

A/N So I decided to start a new book. I'm thinking about just giving up on all the other ones I have, and working on this one.

Damn...I found my heartbeatWhere stories live. Discover now