He Spoke

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I came out of the bathroom looking so cute. Everyone was staring at me and all Kelly did was laugh at me. I was surprised because I had never sawn so many eyes looking at me before.

"Look at you, your totally blushing and don't you dear diny it",Kelly said twirling in her purple cute dress she loves to wear.

"Oh please I'm not blushing I'm just smiling",I giggle flicking my dark brown hair around to my back. I then came upon my locker but something was different my lock on my locker was broken,"Shit! who the hell did this",I shouted in anger,"Hey, your not the only one they did it to", Kelly said with a surprising look on her face saying that I shouldn't have cursed."My lock was hit off but when I opened I saw letter","wow there is a letter in mine too",I said with a curious look on my face. The letter said,

Hello I'm throwing a party in Della's Dist. Its a sky blue house with a beautiful garden in front of it hope you enjoy.

Signed by: The Populers

Oh my god the Populers noticed that I exist,"so your going right","why should I, I don't even know who the hell is the populars who gave me this and maybe its just a prank".I said lying to Keely,of course I know the Populers they are the most popular children in school, her face turn from a wide smile to a unnoticeable frown,"what I want to go",she said with her cute puppy eyes poking me in the face,"okay,okay geez no need to be so .... you know any way I got to get to class see you at lunch okay","okay bye".

"Hello children settle down its time to do some work",Miss Murphy said with that wide smile she always had at the start of every class,"last week we spoke about love and we all know what love is since miss Victoria explained to us",as she said my name I saw eyes staring happily at me which had never happened before"and also miss Victoria I love your new look",she said staring at my flirty dress smiling,"okay now we'll move on with our topic, I will now put you guys in random groups with random people and you will all participate in this group assignment,now you'll be acting on Romeo and Juliet plays I'll give you all a section to act  about",oh why, why Romeo and Juliet couldn't it be another play like 'A Raison in The Sun'.

She then started calling out random names but I didn't really care which group I go....."Jason your in Victoria's group with Mark, Cristen, Luke and Jonelle",what the hell he...he is in my...my ....group I am freaking out and I'm the leader of this group oh,"Hey can I sit beside you",I look up to see him now when did the boy who was beside me moved,"well miss told us to go to our group leaders to discuss the play so","oh ...oh Aww you can...sit",oh I said this sentence to him like I was desperate for something.


"Okay so who's going to be Juliet and who the hell is going to be Romeo",Mark said after a long time of silence.

I then asked Cristen and Jonelle if one of them wanted to be Juliet but both said no ,so, all what's left is me.

Mark told me that he wanted to be Juliet's father and Luke said he wants to be Romeos father which left me and Jason to act as Romeo and Juliet. Isn't this bad I will be kissing the boy I have a crush, oh I don't think this is a good idea I don't even know a thing what Romeo and Juliet is all about","don't worry I'll lecture you on it",Jason's deep calm voice makes me want to blush wait I am blushing,"no need I'll read about it thanks anyway",I said
wanting to take back my words.

"Ring,Ring,Ring", the bell has just rang which signals its lunch time as usual I'd be running out of my class but now I feel weird today I don't feel like running through the door,now I just feel like walking out like a descent child,"Hey V amm... are you coming to the party on Della's Dist","y..yeah why",I said surprised that he knew about the party like of course he knew he is a populer"well,I wanted you to maybe come with your sister I really want her to come",Omg did he just turn my wide smile to a damn frown you asshole,"oh I'm sorry I don't think I can I just forgot I got this thing to take care of so I won't be able to bring her I'm so sorry anyway bye hope you enjoy the party",I said not wanting to sound like a liar.

This boy is making me get angry he doesn't even notices me ,he only notices my damn sister could this day get any worse.

Look I don't like my blond blue eyed sister because she makes everything in this damn school hard for me she's prettier,popular and most teachers pet.

She is hell for me.
"Hey one more thing I would love for you to come with or without your sister oh and where a mask",his deep voice said behind me. Seriously with or without my sister I'll definitely be there.

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