All my thoughts swim in my head,
Like all of the fish in the sea compressed into one drop
There's so many that it's hard to catch one
Sometimes the one I want to grab wriggles out of my hands
Sometimes it's the wrong thought, maybe the wrong one is racing round and round -in loops like a racecar
Or maybe it's the right thought, but the right thought is wrong
You'll never know if the cat in the box is dead or alive,
But you'll know once it stops trying to escape or get help it's dead
Philosophers ponder for all their lives the answer to Why?
But it's not the answer they seek, we already know that,
[it's 42, you didn't know? I'm disappointed in you; look for a bit before you continue]
but the question they should seek
One bad apple can ruin the barrel,
But so can fire or an ax or maybe you split one open, filled it up with bad things, sewed it up and threw it back in. [We don't want your garbage, litterer]
But then you put your thoughts in my head
Now you've got me thinking those things too
I never want this, I already have to many thoughts as is
But you pretend to be a surgeon,
Do what people did to people to people to you
Doing what the people care for us do,
Not caring how much blood is spilled or how many minds they break
If we wanted this, we would've asked for it
You know better than most we hate it
But you still perceive us as empty, willing vessels
Cups to be chipped if they drain what is put in them
When thoughts are given to us, they taint our thoughts,
Shape them a bit to make them more like it is
And then we wish to share it as well,
Passing thoughts around
And around and around
Each time it's warped it bit as it warps the minds it touches
When you think it again, it's so different is must be a different thought
So, before you do something to see what will happen,
Try to find the answer to all forms of Why?
Or be change your mouth into an axe,
Think twice and then think again, is this your thought, or someone else's?
Poesía|Rules make up| |For what society lacks| |Break the rules and| |We will go back.| I do not own most of the pictures shown, BUT I do make all the poetry. Please don't be a dick and plagiarize. -ASSORTED POETRY-