When he embraces your curls as much as you do it's a great feeling he understands the time you take and why a scarf or bonnet is always on your head he looks at your hair in awe as if it's something so beautiful
when you find a man that loves your curls more then you do he'll let you know how beautiful your hair is and how great it looks he'll make you feel like along with mane of curls you have a crown upon your head a crown that will not fall
People tell me to straighten my hair to tame my mane to look more presentable in their eyes but in my eyes my hair is as big as my love for myself no one can appreciate my curls as much as I do
So I look I sigh and I laugh at the girl whose hair is always so bone straight that im positive her curls no longer exist why mock someone of your own complexion self love seems to not be common among African American men and women
love your MELANIN
Random"Dipped in chocolate, bronzed in elegance, enameled with grace, toasted with beauty. My lord, she's a black woman." -Yosef A.A. Ben-Jochannan This is a book where you may see things that relate to you this is not poetry but it IS life for some of us...