Chapter 1: First Day

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(h/c) = hair color
(e/c) = eye color
(y/n) = your name
(h/l) = hair length

~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

You finally reach the cartoon creator place, you don't quite remember the name but it'll come to you in time. As you step out of your car you see that the place looks really broken down and rotten. "Looks like I'll have my work cut out for me by the end of the day." You walk to the entrance and open the door, the inside looks even more broken down. You notice the strange ink stains and drippings along the walls. You hear something fall to the ground at the end of the hall. "Hello?" You call out but get no answer. You call again but still no reply.

You walk down the hall to investigate what made that sound but you only find a box with strange drawings in it. You pick up the box and the drawings, you notice that most of the drawings are old sketches of Bendy the Dancing Demon and Borris the Wolf. After cleaning that up you walk around and check the place out. You finally find the room with your name tag on it, you enter to see a simple desk and drawing supplies."Really bland in here."

You close the door and venture around until you find a dead Borris with his chest open in a room flooded with ink. You stand there in shock and fear of what could have happened. You move your (h/c) hair out of the way and slowly start walking down the hall towards Boris.

"You must be the new animator. I'm glad you could make it (y/n)."

You're startled by the voice behind you and turn around quickly. You're glad to see that it's just Henry, an old friend that helped you get this job.
(H = Henry. (Y/n)= your name)

H: "I see you've found Boris."

(Y/n): "what happened to him?"

H: "Joey happened."

You cover your mouth in shock. "Joey? But why him?" Henry returns you to your work station and closes the door. He gives you a quick run down of everything and his ideas on how to fix the place up. You sit down and he shows you some tips on drawing and some ideas for cartoons to make. You still can't believe what happened to Boris.

"You okay (y/n)?" Joey looks at me.

"I still can't believe Joey would do that to Boris." Henry gently hugs you and sits in a seat next to you. Still hugging you you feel one of his hand let go and reach down to your leg, his hand slowly travels up to your skirt but not under your skirt. He lowers his face to yours and kisses you. You gently push him away and wipe your lips. He nods and understands your decision, he tells you he's going to the store to grab some stuff. After he leaves you head back to your office. You notice a rose on your desk but you clearly remember nothing was on your desk when you left. You pick up the rose and look at it, it has a small ink stain on the stem of the flower somehow. You look around but no one is there. No one is in the building, just you. Alone.

At the end of the day you take your folder of work and head to your car. When you open the front door to your car you freeze and stare at the Bendy plushy sitting in the seat staring back at you. "....." You gently grab the plushy and place it n the other seat with your work, you sit down and glance at the plushy. As you drive home you start feeling a bit uncomfortable and you feel like someone is watching you. Henry never came back from the store but you don't worry about it, he can take care of himself and he probably went home already after the long day of introducing you to the new animator job. You remember Boris and what had happened. You get a small flash back of you and young Boris.


You and Boris are playing a piano together in a small room labeled "live show room". You taught Boris how to play the piano and ever since you and him have been able to play many melodies togethe. Sweet ones, fast and slow ones, and everything in between.


You flash back to reality and focus on the road, you glance at the Bendy plushy and notice it's staring at you again. You try to ignore it and keep driving. As you pull into your driveway you look at the plushy to see it facing the other way. Maybe I'm just paranoid of this this crazy stuff on the Internet about people going missing and the ink found at the sights where they were last seen. You grab your things and take them inside locking the door and car. You set your work in your room and the plushy on your bed. You walk downstairs after changing into some comfy shorts and a tank top. You make popcorn and watch a movie until you hear something upstairs crash.

You get up and investigate the sound. Once you reach upstairs you notice one of your drawing supplies boxes have dropped from the stack. You pick it up and clean up the mess, while cleaning you notice a ink stain on the floor near the bed. You look up at the bed to see the plushy in a different position. You grab your phone and run downstairs, you call Henry and ask him to come over. You explain everything that's happening and how scared you are. He says he'll be over in a few minutes, you end the call and wait on the couch snuggled in a blanket with a few tears streaming down you face. Fear and worry fills your mind and you feel like your being crushed between the walls of your mind.

  (I hope you all are enjoying this story so far. I will be continuing it very soon but with school and all that, it'll take more time to upload the next chapter. Anyway, i hope to get the next chapter done soon. Hope you enjoyed! Bye!)  

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