Chapter 7: A date with Bendy

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I'm sorry for kissing you so suddenly"

"It's fine Bendy. You know...if you really wanted a kiss you could have just asked me." He looks at you with a surprised expression. You smile and nod at him showing that you really mean it.

"O-okay then....would you like to go on a date with me?"

Your eyes widen slightly at his question, it's kind of sudden and strange of him to ask that. You sit there silent for a few moments thinking about it. You can Bendy is losing his hope, soon you look at him and nod. He smiles and hugs you. It'll be a simple date, a movie at the house with just you and him. Boris is going to stay here and fix up some stuff so it's easier to fix the place tomorrow. You sit there with Bendy for a while but soon you lean against him and close your eyes to relax after what had happened today. Bendy flinches slightly when you lean against him but he doesn't move after that, he allows you to lay there and rest to relax. When you both get back home. It'll be a date with Bendy.

"Hey, (y/n). Wake up, it's time to go."

You didn't even realize it but you fell asleep on Bendy, you open your eyes and sit up yawning. "Sorry for falling asleep on you Bendy." He only smiles and gets up, you get up with him and you both get to the cat and drive home. Bendy stares out the window the entire drive home. Once you get there you get out of the car and put down your stuff in your room. Bendy waits outside your bedroom door as you change into something comfy. As your getting your soft tank top shirt on you hear the door shut. "Hu?" You look at the door, it's closed and unlocked like you left it. You hear footsteps walk away from your door in a hurry. Did Bendy peek at you while you were changing? You put on your shirt and shorts and walk downstairs to the loving room. Bendy is sitting on the couch looking down, he's blushing a little. "Want popcorn?" He nods but doesn't look at you. You walk into the kitchen and start making some popcorn. You prepare the popcorn and set it on the coffee table. You sit next to Bendy who hasn't moved at all since you left to the kitchen. You and him pick out a movie but can't pick one that sparks your interest. You both decide to watch and anime instead.


You pause the anime and look at him. "Yes?"

"I need to confess something."

You sit up straight and look at him to show your listening.

"I...peeked at you while you were...changing...I also did it when you took a bath a few days ago. I'm sorry."

He looks down blushing a bright red now. You gently move his face to look at you. "Thank you for being honest, I accept your apology." He smiles slightly. "But, if you wanted to see my naked you could have asked first." You wink, his blush burns even rede and brighter.

"N-no! I didn't mean it like that."

You laugh a bit, he looks at you. "Bendy...I'm serious about everything I say. You don't have to keep your feelings bottled up inside. You can ask me anything." He smiles slightly and hugs you. You hug back, you feel something poke your breast. You laugh slightly an look at Bendy. Bendy let's go and sits up. You're both blushing but he's blushing brighter and deeper than you.

"I-if you really mean everything you say.....can you take off your shirt for me?"

He looks away from you with his face filled with embarrassment. You look at him. You think about it for a second, it's not like your going to be completely nude. You take off your shirt, your wearing your (f/c) bra. You fold your shirt and set it on the arm of the couch. You look at Bendy. "Is this okay?" He looks at you with confusion then sees you with no shirt on, his face is so red it almost like like he can't breathe. "Are you okay Bendy?" He nods.

"Y-yeah...this is just...a lot to take in..."

You smile and scoot over to him. You lay against Bendy. He hesitates and then slowly wraps his arms around you. You grab the remote and hit play. This was extremely awkward for you both but soon you fall asleep. You later wake up to hear something upstairs crash to the ground, Bendy is fast asleep on the couch with you. You gently and slowly get up trying not to wake Bendy. You get up successfully without waking Bendy and make your way up the stairs. Your still not wearing your shirt but it doesn't matter at the moment. You walk upstairs and to your room where you heard the crash. You open the door, the window is open and a stack of books near the window have fallen to the ground. You walk over and close the window, pick up the books, and set them down on the floor so they don't hit the floor again.

"Well, this is quite the turn of events."

You turn around quickly to see Henry sitting on your bed looking you up and down. You feel uncomfortable now for some reason.

"You look absolutely beautiful without a shirt on."

"What are you doing here Henry?" He looks at you and makes eye contact quickly.

"I wanted to ask if you'd like to go to a party tomorrow night with me. It's a small party so not many people will be there. Will you go with me?"

"...sure. Now, you should get out of here before Bendy finds out you snuck in and saw me like this." He gets up and kisses you lightly before opening the window and jumping out. He dashes to his car and drives away. You close the window and walk downstairs. You go back to sleep with Bendy.

    (I hope you all are enjoying this story so far. I will be continuing it very soon but with school and all that, it'll take more time to upload the next chapter. Anyway, i hope to get the next chapter done soon. Hope you enjoyed! Bye!)    

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