Chapter 14: Lost Control

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

You grab the knife holder from your dresser and attach it to your hip. You put the knife in the holder and open the window and jump out. You roll as you land and get up from the ground. You start running to Joey's place. You later reach his home and walk to his door. You grab two hair pins and open the door by picking the lock. You open the door and walk in. You close the door quietly behind yourself as you enter. You can hear Joey upstairs in his room yelling at the computer. His bad language is really weak in your opinion. You slowly sneak your way towards the stairs and up the stairs into the hallway. You creep down the hall towards Joey's room, he stops yelling at his computer. You stop in front of his door and raise your fist as if you were about to knock. You hear him get up and walk to the door. You wait, he opens the door and jumps back as he's startled. He also screams a little.

"(Y/n)!? What are you doing here!?"

"I made up my mind and I wanted to inform you." You put down your hand and place it on your hip near the knife holder.

"O-oh...okay. Who are you going to kill? Bendy or Henry?"

You grin and slowly reach up to the knife handle. "You." His eyes widen as you grab the knife and reveal it. He starts backing away as you slowly wake towards him. He grabs his phone and texts someone, he's able to send it before you throw the knife and break the phone. He takes this chance to run, you run and grab the knife. You chase after him, you dash down the stairs and trip him. He tumbles down the stairs and he hits his head on the ground. You walk towards him, he look at you with fear.


"I'm not insane...I'm just getting justice for your crimes." You reach down stairs, Joey scoots away from you but you pin him down. You raise the knife to stab him in the heart. Bendy and Henry burst through Joey's front door.

"(Y/n) stop!"

You look at Bendy and Henry. "He deserves this." You stab down but he moves to the side. The knife hits his shoulder, you take it out and get ready to try again. Henry rushes over and grabs you from behind, he tries dragging you away from Joey but you try fighting back. Bendy grabs Joey and tosses him out of the way so you can't attack him. Bendy grabs the knife from you but you wipe your hand down cutting Bendy slightly as he takes the knife.

"(Y/n)! Calm down and stop fighting us! We're trying to help you!"

You flip upwards and kick Henry in the face, Bendy and Henry back away. "I'm only doing this because I don't want to kill either of you!!" Tears stream down your face. Bendy and Henry stare at you in slight shock and lots of fear. "...Joey kidnapped me...he said I had the choice of wither killing Bendy or Henry or....myself....I couldn't do any of it and...I guess I snapped...big time..." You fall to your knees with tears now pouring down your face. Bendy uses ink to tie Joey to the ground and cover his wound. Bendy walks over to you and hugs you. You sit there motionless, you soon lay your head against Bendy's shoulder. You slowly hug back, Henry walks over and gently pets your head.

"Making decisions can be hard...if you just told us the truth in the first place we could have figured out something to fix this mess. Next time, please tell us the lying."

You nod and slowly start to calm down, you can feel your heartbeat that was once racing at the speed of light is now calming down with you. You feel the tears streaming down your face, you bury your face in Bendy's shoulder as you hug him.

"Bendy, you should take (y/n) home. I'll deal with Joey."

Bendy nods and picks you up. He leaves with you and walks to the car. He drives you back to the house, you walk inside and sit on the couch. Bendy grabs a fluffy blanket and pillow from your room. He wraps the blanket around you and sets the pillow on the couch next to you. He walks to the kitchen and makes you some hot chocolate. He brings it back and hands it to you. He sits down on the floor sitting next to. You drink the hot chocolate and set it down on the coffee table. You lay down on the pillow, you dangle your hand off the couch near Bendy and look at him. He smiles slightly and holds your hand, he leans against the couch still holding your hand. You close your eyes and try to relax, but you can't. Your heart is still raving slightly and each beat makes your body feel colder.


You open your eyes and look at him. "Yes?..."

"Don't worry, I will always protect you. I love you with all my heart."

He gently kisses your forehead, you smile slightly and close you eyes feeling your heart returning to normal beat and speed. The pain is gone, the price will be paid, and your friends will always be there by your side. You may have lost your mind and snapped...but your friends at least came to you in the end to save the day. If you could, you'd run away with your friends to world where nothing could hurt you...but in this world and every other one something can always hurt you. Even if it's verbally or physically it can hurt you and those around you. "I love you guys..." You slowly drift to sleep.

(I hope you enjoyed this story, I will be updating this slowly but I will get around to it. Thank you and I hope you liked this. Goodbye!)

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