Ok so quick little thing... please read

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Lately I have heard a lot of people hating on some people's ships

Ok so I'm tired of people saying that it's not okay to ship two characters because they aren't canon or that they aren't gay or lesbian or whatever. Also that people are saying it's disrespectful to the actors because that's not how they are trying to portray the character. No it's curiosity, people what to hear the actors opinion on the ship. Actors get it all the time I doubt they take it seriously. It's not that they are portraying the characters as gay or in love with that character. They are literally just acting scenes that the writer wrote. And don't tell me it's not supposed to be interpreted that way. It is, the writers throw in little things like that to keep viewers interested. If you were watching a show and there was literally no romance or flirting. No little gay jokes or just them messing around, would you watch it? Probably not, yes the plot of main events might be interesting but it will get boring if there isn't little side stories. THE WRITERS PUT THINGS LIKE THAT IN THERE FOR A REASON!!!! Even if it will never be canon. They want the viewers to have an imagination and really get into the show.
Seriously though, it's just a ship! Chill out. Ship what you want! Even of it's taboo who cares? It's just fiction.
Ship Destiel, sterek, starrish, sciam, Marrish, stydia, wincest or whatever you want!

Literally it's just a show/movie what ever. Even if you ship actors,singers whatever. You can think that those people would be cute together.

It's your imagination and your ship! BE PROUD!

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