Chapter 1

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My name is Ella Menfani, I'm almost 15 years old and currently living with my brother, sister and parents in Canada. I'm Italian so every second summer, my family and I travel to Italy to see the rest of our family.

This summer was one of the summers where we got to go to Italy and I'm so thrilled and excited! I'm at the airport , our flight leaves in an hour. I have so many close friends and family in Italy that there isn't one boring day passes by. My closest cousin's name is Jack, he's 24 years old and married with one child. Can't wait to get there and smell the fresh Italian air!

I just arrived to a small village in Italy, where i'm originally from. It's called San Leo. I'm pretty tired from our long flight but that's normal. I put my luggage at home and a couple minutes later I walked downstairs to find Jack and his best friend Tanner! I ran up to Jack and gave him a huge hug! Oh my gosh I missed him so much even though we Facetimed everyday. I then gave a smile and said hi to Tanner. Tanner is Jack's best friend and is basically his brother. Tanner has dark hair, it's a little long, but not too long, a perfect length, and his eyes are a nice light brown that lit up every time he spoke. Tanner and I met through Jack of course, he's a little less than 2 years older than me.

There was a silent conversation between the two of us, I smiled and he smiled back, until he broke that silence.

"So how was your flight here?". He asked. "I - I mean we missed you guys".

I felt myself blushing, smiled and answered "We missed you all too"

Just then, Jack came up the stairs that lead into our huge front lawn. He seemed really bothered, I wasn't sure why.

Tanner worked for Jack, along with another boy, they help him with his DJ business.

When I saw something was wrong, I asked Jack about it "Jack are you okay? Looks like something is bothering you".

"Yeah everything is alright, but uh-" He paused. "I feel really bad, I have to go out to the city to sort some things out with my clients, maybe Tanner could show you around, even though you already know your way around here." He chuckled a little.

"Yeah, I'd love to hang out with you today if you're up for it Ella, I know this really cool restaurant. I'll take you!" Tanner said with some excitement in his voice.

"Let's do it!" I walked to Jack and gave him a hug "Drive safe, love you".

Tanner and I talked and walked down the quiet streets of San Leo. I didn't know where he was taking me so I just went with it and followed.

He then stopped. I looked into his glowing brown eyes, he pushed his hair back and stared at me, I stared back.


"Hi" I answered

"You're so beautiful" He said out of nowhere, I felt myself blushing again and didn't know how to answer. "It's like you never left! Believe it or not, there hasn't been one day where I hadn't thought of you" he continued and kept walking.

We walking for a couple more minutes and arrived to the restaurant. "I've seen this place before, it's called 'Ristorante Locanda la Rocca'! I've always wanted to come here!" I said.

"I know" He said with a grin on his face. "Jack told me how much you talked about it and I wanted you to finally see it"

"Aww that's so thoughtful of you" I said and gave him a hug. He hugged me back. Even though I've known him since we were 5, it's the first time I ever felt I liked him as more than a friend.

We walked in and found an empty table, when we got to it, he pulled my chair out for me and sat at his place after I was seated. What a gentleman. I looked around at this amazing restaurant. It wasn't very big but it had the nicest flowers and decorations, and it smelt like fresh, homemade bread and desserts. After I was done admiring the place I looked back at him. He was looking at me with a smile and asked "So, how do you like it?".

"It's amazing, it's everything I ever thought it would be". I paused and looked at him. "Thank you Tanner". He said nothing, just kept looking at me with his gorgeous light brown eyes, until the waitress came.

"What can I get you guys". She said.

She was very pretty, blond hair and brown eyes, with a glowing smile.

"Oh hey Sarah! Can we get one of your best meals? Thank you!". Said Tanner and the waitress nodded and left.

"Where do you know her from?" I asked with a smile.

Ella, you know how small this village is, right?". I nodded and he continued. "Everyone knows everyone and word gets around here very fast". He laughed a little.

Sarah came back with a huge plate filled with different kinds of Italian foods. All my favourite!

An hour passed by and we had just finished that delicious plate. We headed back to my house, he walked me to my door.

"Looks like Jack is back". He said.

"Yeah, why don't you come in though?". I asked.

"Okay, I'd like that". He smiled and answered.

We hung out with Jack and the rest of my cousins on the balcony. I come from a really big family. It was 8:30pm and everyone was still here. In Italy, everyone stays until 2:00am.

At 10:00pm, I got up from the group and excused myself. "Sorry everyone, it was so nice seeing you all today, but I have to go unpack my things".

"I'll help you". Tanner said and followed me into my room.

It is actually really nice and sweet of him to do that! After all, I am tired and brought a lot with me for the two months. While we were unpacking, we were talking and laughing so much! I learnt so many new things from him and about him today.

Just then, there was a knock at the door, I turned around to find Jack at my door.

"Come in" I said while still laughing.

"I have to go, I'll pass by tomorrow maybe". Tanner gave me a hug and dropped a kiss on my head. I felt myself blush like crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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