- Thirty Six -

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Nervous af for 4:00 p.m.

"Get up! Get up!" Tyler climbed over you and shook your shoulders lightly.

Groaning, you open your eyes to see a very excited Tyler in front of you.

You smile lightly and stretch, watching his face light up as he saw you.

"We gotta get going! The flight leaves at 7:45, and it's 5:08, plus it's a kind of a long drive to the airport," Tyler explained.

"Okay then," You sighed, waking to the bathroom, "I need to shower."

Tyler smirked, "Can I come with?"

"No!" You shrieked.

After you showered, and after Tyler asked if he could join a few times, you quickly got dressed.

Smart enough, both you and Tyler packed the night before, so you wouldn't have to waste time this morning.

Scoping through the little apartment once more to see if you missed anything, Tyler called your name by the door.

Grabbing your suitcase, you walked to the door excitedly where Tyler was.

"Ready?" You ask, giving him a smile.

"Yep!" He exclaimed, leading the way out.

You two both jammed the suitcases into the back of your car, and headed in your way to the airport.

Tyler and Josh are meeting eachother at the airport, so they can take the same plane.

The ride (oops) to the airport was peaceful, but mostly quiet.

Since it was early morning, the sun was rising. Big you and Tyler were super groggy and tired. But you managed.

Once and while Tyler would take your hand in his, and press his lips against your hand.

He loves you.

When you two arrived, you went inside and met Josh.

The airport was honestly quite busy for being 6:43 a.m.

The next part, was everybody's least favorite.

Waiting in line, checking through bags, and waiting for the plane to start.

It wasn't boring, you had to admit. When then the boys talked and you got to listen to their conversations, it's never boring.

This morning, they mostly talked about coffee. Tyler thought coffee tasted like dirt water. Josh said it wasn't bad, but not as good as a French kiss.

Finally, Tyler helped you board onto the plane.

You got the window seat, Tyler sat in the middle, and Josh on the end.

Let's just say, that you don't really like take-offs that much.

As the plane started shaking and lifting, you started taking deep breaths, and clung onto the armrests.

Tyler, totally comfortable with take-offs, saw your discomfort.

"You okay, baby?" He asked, taking your hand and squeezing it tightly.

You nodded, not really wanting anything to speak.

Tyler got the hint.

"You don't like take-offs?" He asked, looking you in the eye.

You nodded again, "Yeah, I hate them," You breathed.

"Awww, pretty," He said, pulling you closer so your head rest on his shoulder.

"It will all be okay, it's just a plane," He said, giggling.

Sighing, you nodded again.

It's obvious.

Tyler really loves you.

This chapter is exactly 500 words woohoo

『 Vibrations 』 》》 Tyler Joseph x Reader Where stories live. Discover now