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"Oh kawaii-chan! Uh-uhh of course..come." Zane and Kawaii-chan sit down on the couch. "Uhh...what do you need...if your looking for Garroth or Laurence there on probably on a date or something I don't know." Kawaii- looked at Zane with a gleam of humor in her eyes. "Hehehe...that's not why I'm here Zane- kun...I just came here to talk to you.." Zane looked at kawaii-chan with suprise and started to blush a little. "OH! uhhh of course..uh why would you wanna talk to me?" KC looked at Zane with sadness. "Well after that talk we had a while ago I...started to feel more close around you...and your advise really helped me.." Zane started to blush but hid it under his mask. "Oh..I see so...what's the problem." KC spoke " Well after my brake up and not hearing from Reese-kun....I wondered if I should even start dating again....,I just wanna feel love...but my heart just keeps on getting broken...I find joy in shipping all these people, when I can't even seem to find someone to stay with..." Kawaii-chan began to tear up. Zane began to feel...sadness towards KC...but didn't know what to say to her, he'd never been in a relationship himself. Zane lifted up kawaii-Chans chin with his finger looking at her eye to eye. "L-listen Kawaii-chan it's not your fault that you can't keep a relationship...I I I MEAN DONT TAKE THAT IN A WRONG WAY I MEAN -sigh- ok..what I meant to say was that there's nothing wrong with you...it's there fault and...if they can't see how perfect you are or how dumb they are that they broke up with you...then they don't deserve you." Zane looked at KC with calm eyes. "You mean that Zane?..."
Zane started to blush. "Ye-yeah" Zane say there trying not to make this moment awkward, in surprise Kawaii-chan began to hug him. "K-Kawaii-chan?!" She didn't look at but quietly said a thank you to him while nuzzling into his neck and purring. By this point Zane started to blush to where his whole face was red. Zane didn't know how to feel or do in this situation so he did the first thing that came into his head. "K-awaii-chan....I LIKE YOU!"

HEY WHATS UP! I said I would bring more! Hehe! So i hope you found this chapter sweet! And tell if you would like to see a lemon in the next chapter or wait a few more till we bring
it..IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN! THATS WHAT SHE SAID! 69!....ill go home

ill go home

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